Five Masked Lords Organization in Tarien | World Anvil

Five Masked Lords

The mysterious rulers of Pendril show neither compassion nor mercy to their citizens. They make no laws and protect no rights. They accept no oaths of fealty and command no armies. And if the people of Pendril have their way, they would never emerge from the darked walls of the Tower of the Clouds at all. Those that live in the city, be it by birth or by choice, have learned long ago that attentions of the city's masters benefit no one.
This healthy fear does not prevent the populace from donning costumes of their lords during the Midsummer’s Eve, when all the city celebrates the shortest night of the year with parades and revelry. The deep red robes and swirling flame masks of the Lord of Flame is the most popular, but each of the other elements - air, water, and earth - can also be seen merrymaking in the cobblestone streets. Rarely, someone even elects to dress as the Lord of Nothingness, with robes the color of the Tower and a mask of bone white. This lord, however, invokes such a primal fear in the populace that the person brave enough to wear his costume often finds himself shunned at the night's parties for all know that where the Lord of Nothingness goes, Zardula follows.
Secret, Government
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories