Fey Sitting Room Plot in Tarien | World Anvil

Fey Sitting Room

Thirdday, Thirdden, the Sun Moon, 748 AC, the Palace of the Winter Queen, Frozen Wastes  

Strange Game

This small, ten by ten foot room with a small table, chair, and sofa. In the center of the room, on a blue and silver carpet, is a small board with 5 bone pieces and a pair of dice. Every so often the dice dance and the pieces move in a random direction.
Within the room are five living Shadows, locked in a strange board game. They flit in and out of the shadows created by the room's sconces to play. The board, which depicts a number of siege tools such as ladders, boiling oil, towers, and catapults, looks chaotic. On it, there are five pieces of bone, each a different part of some humanoids finger, that they move around board, sometimes forward and sometimes backward, based upon the results of two dice that they roll. The game should seem haphazard to the characters but careful observation will reveal it to essentially be Chutes and Ladders.


Trivial/Level Eight Characters
While interesting, this room offers no danger to the characters. The encounter is worth 700 XP.
Palace of the Winter Queen - Level Two
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