Beauford Sternbalin Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Beauford Sternbalin

Founder of Sternbalia

Tall and musclebound, Beauford was every bit the knight in shining armor even before he left his father's country estate in Prydith, a mere third son with little hopes of inheriting a gold crown let alone a title. And so he rode forth on a mighty stallion, wearing armor of shining steel to right wrongs and make his fortune. His estimable brethren and fellow members of the Knights of Dawn at a fine Drythian inn, becoming fast friends with these intrepid warriors of hope. They marched from the town, cutting a swath into the heart of evil as they rescued damsels, ended curses, and slew dragons all along the Inner Seas, becoming the most famous of adventuring bands in history. After becoming richer than kings the group went their separate ways and Beaford assembled a small fleet of brave souls to travel west, into the Darsiac Ocean where he founded the Duchy that now bears his name. And while the path that Beauford took in life may not have been as straight and glorious as the tales bards tell of him today, there are none alive who remember the actual events, making the tales themselves the truth of the matter for future generations to ponder.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Fifth Century AC
Resided In
Played By
Ryan Badger