The Abyssal Mirror Myth in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

The Abyssal Mirror

'We are you, you are us. We are eternal and you will not escape. Embrace the darkness child, embrace you deepest, darkest desires. Give in to the monster within you. Join us.'   The whispering of the mad.


Hidden beyond the veil of our reality lies a mirror, black, smoking, which houses a reflection of our reality. The Void, the Abyss, this realm, this plane of existence houses the darkest side of our reality, and yet it is a separate entity. The creatures from this realm, all called daemons, are many and varied, much like our own reality. However they all follow one of the seven Void Lords, the Ruinous Powers, the Twisted Mirrors of our own species, energies and reality.

Historical Basis

The historical basis of this myth is still pretty fresh wound, by scale and comparison, on the continent of Valerick. The Abyssal Sundering, the shattering of the ancient draconic civilization, leaving dragons and their history to fade to naught but whispers in history. Now the seven Daemon Lords, the Gods of Madness as they are also known, and the warping of sentience desires into these horrendous creatures, opening the doors, weakening the veil between the Void and our realm.


The basics are common knowledge, the scars on the land having not fully healed. But some, especially of the shorter lived races, as they've gone through and are now three or four generations have lived and died since the end of the Sundering. So whilst the gist is known, details have started to fade. It is spread in allegory by all the religious cults on the continent, a warning refusing to name these dark forgotten powers by name, creating fear that to say or whisper their name opens the door to your soul for them to try and influence you, to feed on, and steal your soul, eventually twisting it into a tainted and depraved being, a Daemon, one of their servants. Every Race has a weakness, and must always be on guard, as to insure the great and eternal enemy does not claim victory. This story, arguably with some justification, is why magi are held to such scrutiny, as elemental manna is tainted now, due to the Sundering, and the Eternal Void Storms, hole's in reality that are open to the void at the north and south poles.
This story is common place and much of it is accepted as fact, which whilst some is true, the truth is far older than even the oldest mortal memories and legends remember, even before the Myths of the Draconic Wars, The Ascended Heroes.
Date of Setting


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