On the southwest corner of Valerick lies a nation where piracy is not just allowed, but encouraged. In her sovereign waters, piracy is seen as a time honored craft. Mora is home to a mix of peoples of all kinds, but as a nation, they aren't...well liked. They are the only nation that hasn't abolished slavery. They've merely made it illegal to enslave their own people, and they must ransom back anyone taken from other nations if that nation is willing to pay market value for them. They also enslave all manner of intelligent humanoid such as goblin and even ogrekin. This is frowned upon heavily by other nations, where slavery is outlawed, but as per the agreement of the Council of Nations, each nation is allowed to run their own country as they deem fit.
(Flag Concept: Queen of the Sea)
(Flag Concept: Queen of the Sea)
As the most prominent naval power on Valerick, they're whole system refers to everything in terms of naval conduct. Their leader is known as Commandeer Bravan Ziggarut. This nation is run by a group known as the Corsair Lords. This is a democratic, heavily so, society, despite Bravan being called a Commandeer. They all get equal say, and they all control an equal size fleet of ship.
Public Agenda
To make their poor homeland rich and to insure they survive the Black Mists should it ever happen again.
Their navy, and a treasury of various goods of all kinds, along with well built naval towns and settlements. The jungle also provides lumber in excess, giving them a massive trade surplus.
Mora was reestablished quite differently than the other nations of Valerick. This mish mashed nation of folk, convinced Valewyr to allow them to use their little bit of coastline as a staging area. 300 vessels were built, and the newfound navy struck first and fastest. The Daemons didn't know what hit them. It was a vicious wave of fire and smoke and steel. Again and again they struck, as from behind the main force pushed from the north down towards the coastline. It was a classic execution of a pincer mobilization. But it worked.
Demography and Population
All races moderate
This nation can field an army of forty-five thousand, and the largest navy of any nation, easily six hundred vessels. Masters of combat on the waves, any fight they seek to have on the water, but this does not mean they are useless on land.
Their intelligence organization, the Crows, are everywhere around the coast of Valerick, eyes and ears in every port.
Their elite troops are called he Razorfins, and are known to be lycanthropes, weresharks to be specific. Masters of the waves, strong, swift, deadly.
Their intelligence organization, the Crows, are everywhere around the coast of Valerick, eyes and ears in every port.
Their elite troops are called he Razorfins, and are known to be lycanthropes, weresharks to be specific. Masters of the waves, strong, swift, deadly.
Technological Level
early-mid Renaissance
As in all nations, worship of any and all of the nine heroes of lore are acceptable here. But this nation's favored diety is of course, Captain Black Jeremiah, whom, depending what story you believe, was a privateer against the dragons, or the more common version, he didn't participate in the Draconic Wars so much as ply piracy against both sides. Whichever you believe, he represents the way of the sea. Take what you can, give nothing back.
His cathedral sits in Tortuga's harbor, a place of drink, gambling, cheap women, and constant promises of adventure and wealth by old salts whom love to share their tales of their days on the sea.
His cathedral sits in Tortuga's harbor, a place of drink, gambling, cheap women, and constant promises of adventure and wealth by old salts whom love to share their tales of their days on the sea.
Foreign Relations
Not great with any country
Agriculture & Industry
This nation runs almost whole sale on piracy and trade, a weird combination
Trade & Transport
By water, roads are a rare thing, though a few exist. The main one being the Storm Coast Highway.
No formal education standard exists to speak of.
shanty and shack like, but defensible in some ways. Ship construction however, they are masters of.
No Mercy, No Quarter!!
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Copper Stars
Silver Moons
Gold Suns
Silver Moons
Gold Suns
Major Exports
Everything (Most stolen and resold to others)
Major Imports
Legislative Body
The High Captains table, this group is the leaders of each county, they write and decide all legislation.
Judicial Body
Enforced by the military, as is normal for this continent.
Official State Religion
Official Languages