Fleet Admiral Yvette Varnis Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Fleet Admiral Yvette Varnis

Fleet Admiral Yvette Varnis

The thirty-one year old daughter of Varnis, Yvette, was promoted only four years ago to become Fleet Admiral of the Suranthi Navy, and generally she is seen as a worthy successor, as is her baby, her flagship, the replacement for the Black Fin, which sank in a Nor'Westor six years ago. The Black Fin was a vessel made famous by Twaren Storm-born and his reckless naval assault of the Green-Skin and Joten blockade during the War of the Butcher. Though Twaren was never an Admiral, much less the Fleet Admiral, in many ways Yvette is seen as his natural predecessor whom just took a while to arrive. The fiery raven haired woman is a true lady of the sea, and a worthy captain and Fleet Admiral. She is no damsel, and though a woman, she is a woman whom those fools outside the navy or whom don't know her, might make the mistake of saying doesn't know her place. She is known to carry no less than half a dozen pistols and is a damn fine shot, along with a well balanced cutlass, made in similar style to that which was used by Twaren Storm-born, it is said. She is a skilled swordsman, and has no fear.

Those whom would make foolish remarks about her attitude, demeanor and behavior, how it is unbefitting her gender, well they will learn very quickly she is unafraid to challenge one's honor. Of course this problem exists much more in dwarves, elves, and gnomes than in other shorter lived, and less conservative, races. Her vessel, the new flagship of the Suranthi Navy the Glacial Goddess is a seventy gun, 4 deck, triple-masted warship of a sleek and skirmisher design. The vessel is known for her wicked speed and maneuverability and her crack crew of two hundred battle hardened sailors, marines and gun crews.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is fit, strong, and well built, as one might expect from someone a decade long in the navy. She keeps her fitness and health up, in a rarity for sailors, doesn't smoke and rarely drinks.

Body Features

She is a woman who's physical form exudes power, whilst keeping a feminine nature that one cannot avoid noticing. Height, strength, the confidence of her stride, the fitness and healthiness of her physique are an unavoidable thing to notice. She also looks the part of her service, specifically with calloused hands, tattoos, and a few scars on her forearms and torso, should one ever see. One in particular, a nasty jagged one on her right shoulder, she got during a bad Nor'Westor, when one of the masts splintered and buckled from the raging winds, and a large hunk of the lumber flew off in the howling wind, burying itself in her shoulder.

Facial Features

Her face is tough, yet feminine, soft, yet strong. Her eyes are a light sky blue, very alive, always seeming as if her mind is working behind them. She wears two earrings in her left ear, combined with the stripes and pins on her uniform jacket, marking her rank. The two earrings, one of them is simply steel, the other is gold. The steel ones are simply the mark of a ship captain, a simple ring with a small length of chain, three to be exact. This design cannot be warn by anyone outside the navy, and if caught doing so, the punishments are severe. The gold one is more decorated, a simple thicker ring design, and is unique in its design, showing great artistry, depicting the current flagship of the Suranthi Navy, and the date which the Fleet Admiral whom's name is etched within it, was appointed to that office. Her nose is slghtly off center as well, tilted a bit to the left after she'd had it broken many years ago. She also has a gold tooth, front left upper, replacing the tooth she lost in a brawl in her senior year at Storm Crasher, the same brawl she'd gotten the broken nose in.

Apparel & Accessories

Yvette never wears dresses. Nor does she wear the full uniform, merely the tunic, to denote her status. She dresses to be noticed in battle, not afraid to stand out, with red gambeson trousers of fine wool, with thin silk garments underneath. In battle, her uniform tunic jacket will be on top of a bright yellow shirt of fine silk, a vest of solid gauge chain on top of the silk shirt, under her uniform tunic jacket. She is known to carry no less than half a dozen pistols and is a damn fine shot, along with a well balanced cutlass

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



She is well known to have not married, and is (correctly) rumored to enjoy the company of man or woman.


Yvette recieved a full naval education of the highest quality under her father the former Fleet Admiral, Fiolag Alec Varnis. Besides that of course, she attended basic training and education for the mandatory three years in Storm Crasher Tower, graduating with honors at the top of her class.


She served on several vessels in the North Fleet, bouncing around, earning her promotions, but has never had another job. She's been a navy woman for nine years since she graduated. She made first officer in five years, was captaining her first vessel in seven. Last year, after much debate with the announcement of her father's retirement, she was named Fleet Admiral, the youngest person ever to serve the rank. Her exemplary service record and high level of skills, along with many voices and letters of recommendation from officers she had served under during her career really left High King Cormac and his council with no real doubts as to whom to appoint.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Youngest Fleet Admiral in the history of the Suranthi Navy.

Graduated Top of her class from the Storm Crasher Naval Institute.

First female captain to sail the entire NPA trade route.

Since being appointed a captain, no vessel she's been master of has lost a naval engagement.

Failures & Embarrassments

She was arrested twice in her youth for being party to riots.

She isn't married/no kids. Note:This does not truly get to her, but many whom dislike or get upset with her seem to throw this at her as an insult as if she should be offended. Doesn't actually bother her a wink though.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is a quick thinking sort, very flexible and adaptive. Yvette is known to also be very perceptive and quick thinking.

Morality & Philosophy

She has a very forward thinking morality and mindset, a new age mind. Yvette's arrests were were for involvement in the Rail Rat Riots, where she was caught helping some of the rioters. She embraces growth and innovation, and is known for having a very 'open deck' philsophy about her command of any vessel, bucking the normal chain of command as she deems appropriate, being very open to any members of her crew approaching her directly if they have concerns. She does not see the need, or believe in the moral value, of that militant authoritarian command structure that is common on military vessels, except when actively engaged in military duty.


She has been very vocal that she has no intention of marrying or starting a family, particularly with a man, given the current cultural norms of such a relationship. This has earned her some...flak to say the least.

Wealth & Financial state

She is the daughter of a landholder, a Fiolag, and therefore would be set to inherit a lot of wealth as it is. However as First Admiral she cannot inherit such a title under Suranthi Law. That is the reason her father left the service. As First Admiral she is paid quite handsomely.
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Fleet Admiral

First Captain
Date of Birth
3rd of Menata, 1564 SuD
Year of Birth
1564 SuD 31 Years old
Current Residence
Light blue
Thick raven black hair, in a loose ponytail most often.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.74 m or 5'8"
85 kgs or 187 lbs.
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Valarian, and Dwarven.


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