Fiolag Lanvori Artium Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Fiolag Lanvori Artium

A Vrock awarded his own lands and titles for bravery, whom served in the famed Iron Drakes, the elite musketeer unit of Suranth, and was awarded the lands for his bravery, as the only surviving member of Protectorate Azulron's honor guard when an attempt was made on his life only a decade ago. Lanvori and his fellows, two Storm Lancers and another Iron Drake, were ambushed in An Pointe Thoir by skilled assassins, local agents from the infamous Coal Hand Cutters, and their hired help. The street fight had been vicious, brutal and swift, leaving both Storm Lancers dead, Lanvori's fellow Iron Drake dying in an alley mouth with but enough left to fire both pistols as some of the killers tried to follow. Lanvori himself cut down three of them, and blew the magister they'd brought straight to the void with a well placed musket shot. He'd been wounded by half a dozen knife thrusts and two pistol shots, but the Vrock powered through and somehow got Azulron to a safe house, and managed to stay alive, and even fight off another assassin in the sewers as he got the dwarven lord back to safety. Azulron is said to have told the surgeon charged with operating on Lanvori, "I nae care 'ow much blood 'e's lost, by t'e Void, I nae care if Sir Kartheart 'imself descends from on 'igh ta take 'im, ye bring t'is man back ye 'ear me! Ye drop dead o' exhaustion before ye give up on t'is patient! T'at be an order!" As such, it should go without saying Lanvori is another staunch ally for Azulron, and is no traditionalist. The Vrock runs his estate in a heavily modernized fashion, acting less like a noble and more as a people's leader, trying to organize the region. Even with the difficulties of limited viable transportation options for the region (that is there is only naval methods, dogsled, skies or snowshoes. Even overland travel with goods is highly difficult as there are no truly well maintained roads in the region, and really no Road Warden presence either.), he has done admirably with governing of the region, and it has really turned a corner socially and culturally. 
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