Alchemical Solutions by Rasturus Building / Landmark in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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Alchemical Solutions by Rasturus

The Alchemy shop of Tellenor

Purpose / Function

Adventuring Gear Crafting List Item Cost Weight Crafting Capability Acid (vial) 25 gp 1 lb. LEAD Alchemist’s Fire (flask) 50 gp 1 lb. LEAD Antitoxin (vial) 50 gp — LEAD Candle 1 cp — LEAD Chalk (1 piece) 1 cp — OPTIONAL Ink (1 ounce bottle) 10 gp — LEAD Lamp 5 sp 1 lb. ASSIST Lantern, Bullseye 10 gp 2 lb. ASSIST Lantern, Hooded 5 gp 2 lb. ASSIST Oil (flask) 1 sp 1 lb. LEAD Perfume (vial) 5 gp — LEAD Poison, Basic (vial) 100 gp — ASSIST Potion of Healing 50 gp ½ lb. LEAD Sealing Wax 4 sp — LEAD Soap 2 cp — LEAD Torch 1 cp 1 lb. LEAD     RAW Cost: 50 GP RAW Weight: 8 lbs *Example Items: Moor’s Head, Alembic, Retort, Mortar and Pestle, Stirring Rod, Flask Crafting Restrictions: Requires access to heat. Mundane Item Crafting: Acid, Alchemist’s Fire, Antitoxin, Candle, Ink, Oil, Perfume, Sealing Wax, Soap Magic Item Crafting: Potions and a handful of metallic products Artwork Creation: Creative but harmless potions meant to entertain instead of enhance. QA Artwork Bonus: None Structure Building: N/A Adventuring Utility: Proficiency bonus added to attacks made from alchemy items, and benefits when interacting with potions and other substances.   * These items are specific to the Questionable Arcana system. Other similar crafting systems may utilitize a different list of items.


Alchemical Items Prices for the items described here are shown on the Alchemical Items table. In all cases, a successful Alchemy check against the DC given in an item's description allows the creation of a single dose or application of the item.   Alchemist's Mineral Acid Alchemist's mineral acid is a sticky, adhesive substance that dissolves rock and other minerals. A flask of mineral acid can be thrown as a splash weapon. Treat such an attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit against a creature with the earth subtype deals 1d6 points of damage. Every creature with the earth subtype that is within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits also takes 1 point of damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage.   If poured directly on inert rock or stone, mineral acid ignores hardness and deals 3d6 points of damage (1d6 points per round for 3 rounds).   Alchemist's mineral acid can be created with a DC 22 Craft (alchemy) check.   Alchemical Silence When applied to boots and armor, this noise-dampening oil provides a +2 alchemical bonus on Move Silently checks. You can throw a flask of alchemical silence as a splash weapon (see Throw Splash Weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.   A creature struck by a thrown flask of alchemical silence cannot speak louder than a whisper, and indeed some of his words become completely muffled. If thrown on a spellcaster, the target suffers a 20% chance of spell failure when casting any spell with a verbal component for 2 rounds. The creature, however, does gain the benefits of the alchemical silence as detailed above. (Dragon #347)   Alchemical Sleep Gas This liquid evaporates quickly when exposed to air, creating a temporary, mildly toxic cloud that puts living creatures to sleep. You can throw a flask of sleep gas as a grenade-like weapon. It has a range increment of 10 feet.   On a direct hit (splashes have no effect because the gas dissipates instantly), a living target must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 15) or fall asleep for 1 round. After 1 round, the target must make another Fortitude save (DC 15) or sleep 1d4 additional minutes. The sleep gas affects creatures that are immune to magical sleep effects but not creatures that are immune to poison. Spells and effects that cancel or counter poisons (such as neutralize poison) are effective against the gas.   The gas affects only one creature of Small or larger size. The gas affects all creatures of Tiny or smaller size in the 5-foot square where it strikes.   Note: A sleeping creature is helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens the creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening the creature is a standard action.   The Alchemy DC to make alchemical sleep gas is 25.   Blackwater A single flask of blackwater rapidly taints a 10-foot-by-10-foot cube of water. Any aquatic creature that breathes affected water must make a successful Constitution check or begin to drown. (See the Drowning rule.) The DC for the check is 10 on the first round, but it increases by +1 each succeeding round. Air-breathing creatures are unaffected by blackwater, unless they are breathing water via a spell or some other artifice. The taint of blackwater lasts for up to 24 hours in still water but is swept away in 1d6 rounds in a moving stream or surging tide.   Blackwater can be created with a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check.   Darkoil Darkoil is a rare mineral oil specially prepared with various alchemical reagents. It protects drowcraft weapons and armor from the effects of sunlight. A vial of darkoil is sufficient to protect a weapon for 3 days or a suit of armor for 1 day. Applying darkoil to any item requires 1 minute.   Darkoil can be created with a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.   Darkvision-Invisible Paint This special alchemical substance is designed to match the shading and color contrasts of the surface to which it is applied. This property renders the paint invisible to creatures that depend on darkvision, but it can easily be seen with normal or low-light vision. Races requiring light to navigate use this paint to warn other such folk of dangers and threats. A single jar contains enough paint to produce twenty large warning symbols, or two smaller messages of up to 100 words each.   Disappearing Ink After being used to write a message, this blue or red ink vanishes from view at the end of an hour (though ink can be made, at greater expense, that will disappear after longer periods, such as a day, a tenday, or a month). Heat (such as a candle flame) applied to the writing surface makes the ink appear again. A Spot or Search check (DC 29) reveals traces of the writing.   The Alchemy DC to make disappearing ink is 15.   Flashpellet You can throw this small alchemical bead as a grenadelike weapon. When it strikes a hard surface or is struck sharply, it ignites with a bright flash. Creatures within a 10-foot radius must succeed at Reflex saves (DC 15) or be dazzled. A dazzled creature suffers a -1 penalty on, attack rolls. The creature recovers in 1 minute. Sightless creatures are not affected by the flash.   The Alchemy DC to make a single flashpellet is 25.   Glowpowder This luminescent dust clings to surfaces and creatures, making them glow. The grains of powder glow about as brightly as sparks from a campfire. They don't provide illumination, but they are noticeable. When sprinkled on an object or surface, the powder helps reveal edges and details, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Search checks made on the treated area. A creature sprinkled with the powder is likewise easier to detect: Spot checks to see the creature gain a +2 circumstance bonus. An invisible creature sprinkled with the dust has only one-half concealment (20% miss chance instead of 50%). Once applied, the dust clings and glows for 1 minute. A creature sprinkled with the powder can wash it off by taking a full-round action.   The powder usually comes in a tube that allows the contents to be blown or shaken out. Blowing out the powder is a standard action that draws an attack of opportunity and creates a 10-foot cone. If carefully sprinkled, the powder can cover 125 square feet (five 5-foot squares). It takes a full-round action to shake out enough powder to cover a 5-foot square.   The Alchemy DC to make one tube of glowpowder is 20.   Healing Salve Rubbing this stinky green paste into wounds promotes rapid healing. Applying the salve is a full-round action. One dose cures 1d8 points of damage to a living creature. Only one dose may be applied per round, and there is no limit on how many salves can be applied over time.   The Alchemy DC to make one application of healing salve is 25. If you have 5 or more ranks in Profession (herbalist), you get a +2 synergy bonus on checks to craft it.   Herb, Cassil Cassil is a small shrub similar to a mustard plant. Its seeds are ground into a fine, tasteless powder that suppresses male fertility. Men who want to avoid fathering children use this herb. A male humanoid who eats about a teaspoon of cassil is rendered infertile for a period of 3d4 days, although it requires about an hour before the herb takes effect.   Stories abound of disloyal courtiers dosing their kings or lords in order to prevent the conception of a royal heir. Using either the Heal skill or Profession (herbalist), the effects can be detected with a DC 15 check and countered with a DC 20 check.   Herb, Nararoot Nararoot is a black, woody tuber with a licorice-like flavor. Shavings steeped in hot water make a strong tea that renders a woman infertile for 1d4+2 days. Chewed raw, the root tastes unpleasant, but the effects are more potent, lasting 2d4+4 days. Women who do not wish to become pregnant use nararoot. Using either the Heal skill or Profession (herbalist), the effects can be detected with a DC 15 check and countered with a DC 20 check.   Phantom Ink This substance is similar to disappearing ink (described in the FRCS). Messages written with this ink vanish from view at the end of an hour and thereafter can be read only under the right kind of light. The usual types specify one of the following: firelight (which includes candles, torches, and other flames), magical light (which includes the dancing lights, light, and continual flame spells), moonlight, and starlight (this last usually isn't discernible unless the reader has darkvision).   The Alchemy DC to make one vial of phantom ink is 20.   Powderhorn This waterproof horn holds 2 pounds (32 ounces) of smoke powder.   Powderkeg This is a normal wooden keg that holds 15 pounds (240 ounces) of smoke powder.   Scentbreaker This small bag contains either a collection of aromatic herbs or a strongly scented alchemical mixture. Either version can confound any creature's sense of smell. You can toss the bag as a grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 10 feet, or you can scatter the contents someplace where a creature tracking by scent will come across it. (It covers an area 5 feet square.) Once scattered, the contents remain potent for 1 hour.   A creature can sniff the bag's contents from a direct hit, from a splash, or from sniffing the area where the contents were scattered. If struck by a direct hit, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 18) or lose its scent ability for 1 minute. After the minute is up, the creature must make a second Fortitude save (DC 18) or lose its scent ability for another hour. Being splashed or sniffing the scattered contents has the same effect, but the save DC is 15. A direct hit or splash affects only one creature of Small or larger size. The contents affect all creatures of Tiny or smaller size in the 5-foot square where a bag of scentbreaker strikes.   Note: The Alchemy DC to make scentbreaker is 15. If you have 5 or more ranks in Profession (herbalist), you get a +2 synergy bonus on checks to craft it.   Shriek Paste This oily substance is derived from the fungus with a similar name. When exposed to light of torch-intensity or brighter, the paste emits a horrific screech that lasts for 1 round. The noise is a useful signal - loud and easy to hear (Listen DC -10, modified for distance, harriers, and other relevant conditions), so Underdark denizens often smear it on areas they wish to protect from surface intruders who require light to see. Once it has shrieked, the paste becomes inert.   Shriek paste can be created with a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check.   Smokepowder This magic alchemical substance is similar to gunpowder. The substance burns rapidly, but is not explosive (though it can be used to construct grenades and bombs). Burning smokepowder illuminates a 30-foot radius. The fire lasts 1 round for every ounce of powder. It takes an ounce of smoke powder to shoot a firearm once. If smoke powder gets wet, it never again burns and cannot ever be used to fire a bullet. Caster Level: 9th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, 9+ ranks of Alchemy.   Snakebite Snakebite has the taste of bitter apples and an aroma of nutmeg and ginger. When consumed, snakebite acts as a modified version of delay poison and has a duration of 1 hour. In addition, any yuan-ti (or other snake or snake-like creature) who bites a person with active snakebite in her veins is affected by a poison (Ingested; Fortitude DC 20; initial 1d6 Con, secondary 2d6 Con). Dragon #355   Suregrip This gluey substance improves your grip, granting a +2 circumstance bonus on any check that deals with holding onto something, including Climb checks and grappling. When applied to a rope, it confers a +2 circumstance bonus on Use Rope checks that involve tying knots or binding creatures or objects. Applied to the soles of one's footwear or feet, it confers a +2 circumstance bonus on Balance checks made to avoid slipping. Once applied, suregrip lasts 10 minutes.   The Alchemy DC to make one application of suregrip is 20.   Witchweed Stick This paste, which smells like tobacco, is refined from the stalks and leaves of the witchweed plant. It is packed into thick paper tubes about the size of a smokestick. When ignited it creates a 10-foot cube of light smoke that provides no concealment. Anyone attempting to cast arcane spells within the smoke must succeed at a Concentration check as if casting defensively (DC 15 + spell level). If the check fails, the spell is lost. The smoke loses its alchemical abilities after 5 rounds, and dissipates normally.   The alchemy DC to make one stick of witchweed is 20.   Item Cost Weight Alchemist's Mineral Acid 20 gp 1 lb. Alchemical Silence 350 gp 1/2 lb. Alchemical sleep gas 30 gp 1 1/4 lb. Blackwater 100 gp 1 lb. Darkoil (vial) 25 gp - Darkvision-invisible paint (jar) 20 gp 1/2 lb. Disappearing ink 5 gp - Flashpellet 50 gp - Glowpowder 40 gp - Healing salve 50 gp - Herbs - - Cassil (1 dose) 1 gp - Nararoot (1 dose) 2 sp - Phantom ink - - Firelight 10 gp - Magical light 10 gp - Moonlight 10 gp - Starlight 10 gp - Powderhorn (full) 55 gp 3 lb. Powderkeg (full) 400 gp 20 lb. Scentbreaker 5 gp - Shriek paste (flask) 50 gp 1 lb. Smoke Powder 25 gp 1 lb. Snakebite 600 gp 1 vial. Suregrip* 20 gp - Witchweed stick 40 gp - Extraordinary Natural items of Faerûn The magic of the Weave suffuses the natural world as well, creating objects with extraordinary characteristics that border on the magical. Sages theorize that these substances act as collectors of the magical energies of the land, while others hold less fanciful opinions. These items occur Unless otherwise noted, the special abilities inherent in these substances and items are extraordinary abilities, and they remain in effect even in areas where magic does not function. Item Cost Weight Darkberry 5 gp - Fairy dust (1 ounce) 100 gp - Felsul flower oil (1 ounce) 100 gp - Fog rock 5 gp - Mule pollen 50 gp - Red helmthorn berry 1 sp - Shadowtop torch 1 sp 1 lb. Silverbark sap (1 ounce) 20 gp - Sleepweed pod 50 gp - Weirwood 50 gp/lb. as item Darkberry These small, purple berries grow deep in hidden clumps in the many forests surrounding the Sea of Fallen Stars. Only a few berries manage to ripen from a bush each fall, and they become more rare every year. Darkberries actually contain shadowstuff within their skins. When a ripe darkberry is broken or crushed, it creates a 5-foot-diameter circle of blackness for 2 rounds.   Fairy Dust Fey creatures, such as sprites, make fairy dust from their own shed hair and skin and give it to those who please them. It cannot be created by any known alchemical process. Fairy dust has a soft, golden glow, visible only in darkness. It sparkles in normal light. If an ounce of fairy dust is added to the material component for any illusion spell, if adds +1 to the saving throw DC.   Felsul Flower Oil The felsul tree seems to favor cold and poor soil, and in many rocky places felsuls provide the only tree cover to be seen. Felsuls grow on crags, cliff edges, and clefts where few other trees can find purchase. They are gnarled, twisted trees whose wood crumbles to the touch and is of a dusty cinnamon brown to deep brown hue. When the trees flower in early spring (and not all trees flower every year), the crushed petals can be made into a fragrant perfume that adds a +1 competence bonus on any Charisma-based checks made to persuade another (such as Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate) for 10 minutes. A single ounce of the oil provides 10 uses, and a typical tree provides 1d4-1 (minimum 0) ounces of perfume per year.   Fog Rock These rocks wash up periodically on the shores of the Nelanther Isles and westernmost shores of the Moonshae Isles. When dropped into fresh water, they produce mist that fills a 10-foot cube (providing one-half concealment to anyone within), which dissipates normally. Salt water has no special effect on them, but they lose their ability if not kept damp with brine.   Mule Pollen A bright yellow flower, of the daisy variety, blooms in early spring upon the High Moor and in the grassy foothills of some mountain ranges. When inhaled, the pollen grants a +2 bonus to the character's Strength but inflicts a -2 penalty to his Intelligence and Wisdom. The effects last for 1d4x10 minutes.   Mule pollen is mildly addictive. Each time a character inhales mule pollen, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 12). If he fails, he is effectively fatigued whenever he is not under the influence of mule pollen. This addiction can be removed with neutralize poison.   Red Helmthorn Berry Most berries of the helmthorn tree are tart in flavor and indigo in color. Rarely, however, a sprig of scarlet-hued berries sprout from a branch. The effect of a goodberry spell cast upon red helmthorn berries lasts for one day longer than normal.   Shadowtop Torch The wood of the shadowtop tree burns more slowly (and cleanly) than normal wood. A torch of shadowtop wood burns for 2 hours and gives off very little smoke.   Silverbark Sap The sap of the silverbark tree is clear and slightly sticky. It acts as a (minor) natural antitoxin, granting anyone who consumes at least one ounce a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour. A typical silverbark tree can be harvested of 2d4 ounces of sap per year.   Sleepweed Pod The pods of the sleepweed plant, which appear similar to those of milkweed plants, contain a sleep-inducing mold within them. When a dried sleepweed pod bursts or is broken open, it releases these spores. Striking a target with a thrown sleepweed pod requires a ranged touch attack (range increment 5 feet). A target struck by a sleepweed pod must make a Will save (DC 12) or fall into a slumber for 1 minute.   Weirwood These rare trees are actively protected by dryads, treants, druids, and rangers. If undisturbed, they grow into huge, many-branched forest giants that resemble oaks with dual-colored leaves (brown with a silver sheen on top, velvety black underneath). Weirwood is favored for lutes, harps, birdpipes, and longhorns because of the unmistakable warm, clear sound it gives to such instruments (many masterwork instruments of these kinds are made from weirwood). Any weirwood (or item created of weirwood) within an area illuminated by a magical light source (such as dancing lights, light, or continual flame) emits a gentle magical glow equivalent to a candle for 1d4+1 rounds after leaving the area of illumination.   Living weirwood has fire resistance 20, though no one has ever discovered a method of preserving this quality after the wood is harvested.
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