Tales of justice UniSols


Life, Crime


Rissa and Angelica, out visiting NYC, are attacked by mercenaries of an unknown organization. These heavy hitters, who call themselves "UniSols", are the result of a super soldier serum program that may have had its origins in the old Project Strongman notes. This latest duplication must not have gotten its subjects into the range of success reached with Captain America, because the UniSols are further enhanced with cybernetic technology and still fall short of the mark.


They still prove a heavy threat to two off-duty heroes on their own.


Knight Thrasher arrives to rescue his friends, turning a frantic scramble into a much more effective counter-attack. They find additional minions or associates or something of the unknown mastermind. The "UniSols" go down under the team tactics of Feral and Thrasher, left tied up with notes for NYPD arrest. Firestar takes one of the additional minions, a cat-man whom the UniSols called "Lynx", back to Metropolis with every intention of asking Dr. Gironde if she can keep the new cat as a pet.

Related Location
New York City
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