Ar Ecrun Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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Ar Ecrun

POPULATION: 250K   CITIES: Rhaudings   TOWNS: Ristimplick, Wolfistes   VILLAGES: Muirh, Kisverkral, (Tashmiij: Nuk Kinuuj)  
  Ar Ecrun, the northernmost hold of Chalornok, is a land carved by cold winds and hardened by a rugged climate. Its western borders are marked by the formidable Vorhinge Mountains, a barrier between Ar Ecrun and the lands of Msna beyond. Despite the mountains' imposing presence, they have been a passageway for centuries, as the indigenous Band of Reeds peoples traverse their challenging terrain in ancient pilgrimage routes towards sacred sites across the continent of Arlok. This right of passage was hard-earned during the Five Fox War in UT 210, ensuring the journey remained unhindered for generations to come.   At the heart of this chill-ridden hold lies Rhaudings, the capital city. It is a city that reflects the resilience of its inhabitants, lacking the luxuries and comforts of the southern holds, yet radiating a sense of pride that comes from thriving in a harsh climate. Two other towns, Ristimplick and Wolfistes, further attest to the hardiness of the people here. Ristimplick, the northernmost town, holds a special cultural significance as its residents share both ancestral and modern familial ties with the Kingga culture of Farakt. Their bonds are symbolized through the traditional tattoos they share, each one a testament to their shared history and kinship.   The hold also harbors a significant Band of Reeds site at Nuk Kinuuj, a location that is both a settlement and a spiritual site. Amidst the austere beauty of this hold, Nuk Kinuuj seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy, where the whispers of nature spirits are said to blend with the northern winds. Permanent structures dot the landscape, interspersed with temporary encampments for visiting pilgrims. Each structure is carefully constructed using local materials, respecting the land that sustains them.   Ar Ecrun is also the home of Lady Nerida, one of the four powerful The Iron Lords. Overseeing the mining and smelting operations on the foothills of the Vorhinge Mountains and on the border of Raigur, she plays a critical role in the iron industry of Chalornok. Despite her high station, her relationship with the Vylmöt and the Band of Reeds nations is a complex interplay of mutual respect and latent tension. As a Vylmöt herself, Lady Nerida appreciates the inherent resilience and toughness of her people. However, her responsibility towards the iron industry often clashes with the Band of Reeds' reverence for the land, leading to occasional conflicts. Nevertheless, her political acumen and commitment to her duty ensure the wheels of industry keep turning, while striving to respect the ancient traditions of the land she governs.


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