"Coconut" Dác Character in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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"Coconut" Dác

"Coconut" Dác wasn't always a tavern owner; in fact, he wasn't even always called "Coconut". In his hometown of Palibid, nestled in the nation of Del's luscious Bato prefecture, he was known as Dác Urida, a name he bore proudly, but one that didn't follow him to Sabellis City.   Born into a family of weavers, Dác spent his early years learning the art of weaving intricate patterns onto earth-toned fabrics, the kind that Delhizan people are so fond of. As a young man, however, he found himself growing restless and felt an urge to experience life outside the confines of Palibid. This urge took him to various parts of Del, where he made a living as a travelling weaver and peddler.   Dác was odd for a Delhizan, in that he liked to venture outside his continent. During one of the furthest of his travels in faraway Masatoyahi, Dác was taken with the abundance of coconuts there. He found the fruit so intriguing that he started collecting the shells, fashioning them into a variety of useful items which he then sold alongside his weaves. His fascination with coconuts was so apparent that people started calling him "Coconut Dác", a name he embraced with good humor. When he decided to leave Del and settle in Sabellis City, he carried the moniker with him, establishing The Coconut in honor of his nickname and his love for the tropical fruit.  
by midjourney
  Running a tavern wasn't part of Dác's initial plan, but it was a need he saw in the Twin's Tail area of the city - a place where people, especially Delhizans like himself, could gather, talk, and share in a game of Succulthagac. He imported Del's signature spirit, Ect, and started serving it in his tavern, providing a touch of home for the Delhizan people in Sabellis City.   The quiet air of mystery surrounding Dác has been the subject of much speculation among his patrons. Some see his medallions engraved with the symbols of animal deities and theorize about past affiliations or secret societies. But the truth of it is, Dác is just a man who left his homeland in search of something different and ended up creating a home away from home for others like him. His past is no more haunted than any other man's, but he maintains a quiet about his history that has bred all sorts of theories.   Despite the air of mystery and some anti-Delhizan sentiments, Dác's tavern has been welcomed by many locals in Sabellis City. His kind and gentle manner has won him loyal patrons who enjoy his homely tavern and its rustic atmosphere. Yet, his lack of family ties has only added to the enigma surrounding him. Dác, however, sees no need to clarify anything. For him, everyone who steps foot in The Coconut and treats it with respect is family, and that's all he needs to feel at home in Sabellis City.


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