Orcish Jerky
Orcish Jerky is a food item consisting of strips of dried and salted meat. Renowned for its long storage life, this tough yet nutritious meal is considered an indespensible part of any travellers supply kit in northern Imera.
Manufacturing process
According to stories about the ancient, largely nomadic tribal days of the Orcs, Orcish Jerky was made by placing strips of meat between the backs of their mounts and their saddle, with the jostling and sweat of the mount serving to tenderize and salt the meat for later consumption. Since they settled into more permanent settlements, the process of creating jerky changed to salting the strips of meat before drying them out over a smoky fire.
Orcish Jerky was originally brought over into Imera with the Orcs during their great migration from the continent of Aesuth. As interactions between the newly arrived Orcs and the surrounding peoples (mainly the Ulfgardian Humans and Dwarves) increased, this food item also began to spread throughout northern Imera, with others creating their own variants on the recipe.
Orcish Jerky is considered to be a staple food item for Wayfinders, hunters, and other travellers among the Orcs, as well as the other peoples of northern Imera.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Related ethnicities
Orcish Jerky is a common piece of travel food, readily available in shops throughout northern Imera.
Raw materials & Components
Orcish Jerky is created from strips of meat and salt. Among the Orcs and other peoples of northern Imera, this meat often comes from bears, wolves, and aurochs, and tends to be tough.
A fire is needed to dry out the meat, though the sun has been used for this purpose in drier, hotter climates.