Last Light Settlement in Taeva | World Anvil
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Last Light

Last Light is a small mining town located within the Deep Wilderness, a region of the Dark Hollows considered to be the frontier of civilisation in the underground. As the closest settlement to the Abyss (the deepest, unexplored region of the Dark Hollows), many would also consider Last Light to be the edge of civilisation within the Dark Hollows, as well as the last stop for anyone venturing there. Despite its remoteness, Last Light remains an important settlement to the people of the Dark Hollows, both for the rare materials it mines, as well as its role in the exploration of the frontiers of the Dark Hollows.


Around two thirds of Last Lights population are made up of Goblins, with the remainder being made up of Ratfolk. Among those who live there, mining is the most commonly practised occupation.


Last Light is run by a Mayor, with elections being held every five years. Any taxes collected within the town are put towards maintaining its business and infrastructure, mainly the local mining industry and town defences.


The town of Last Light has a defensive wall built around it, mostly to protect itself and its inhabitants from bandits and wild animals.

Industry & Trade

Much of Last Lights industry is focused on mining, helped by its access to rarer materials found only in the deeper reaches of the Dark Hollows. Additionally, since anyone wishing to explore the Abyss must pass through here, the town also offers various services for passing travellers.


Last Light has a simple road network connecting to the nearby mines and farms, as well as a larger road connecting to the nearby larger settlement used for trade and transportation.


Last Light has a marketplace, a storehouse for mining and farming goods, and taverns for travellers passing through the area.

Guilds and Factions

The Dark Delvers: An explorers guild established for the purpose of charting the Abyss. This organisation exists to provide services, materials, and aid to those seeking to explore the Abyss, and to allow such individuals to connect with one another. While they can be found throughout the region of the Dark Hollows known as the Deep Wilderness, the Dark Delvers have a particularly strong presence in the town of Last Light and the surrounding area, due to its proximity to the Abyss.

Points of interest

The Deep-Gate: A large gate built over the mouth of the nearby tunnel leading into the Abyss, constructed to keep any wild beasts that may dwell there from attacking and to keep others from accidentally wandering into this extremely dangerous part of the Dark Hollows. Since this is currently the only known entrance into the Abyss, any who dare to attempt to explore this largely unknown region of the Dark Hollows must pass through the Deep-Gate, and it's gained a reputation as being a marker for the furthest limit of the civilised territories of the Dark Hollows.
  The Last Stop: The most popular inn in the town, and one of its biggest sources of income outside of its mining industry. Being the best place to stop for one last decent meal and rest before venturing into the Abyss, the Last Stop has developed a reputation for drawing in some particularly adventurous clients passing through Last Light, and the stories brought back by those who manage to return from their expeditions serve to draw in even more clients from those curious enough to hear them. Beyond this, the Last Stop also has two elements that help it stand out among other inns in the area: the menu item known as the "Last Meal" (a large feast given to explorers venturing into the Abyss), and the Dark Delver Wall (a section of wall in the main dining area displaying the portraits and accomplishments of the most successful & renowned individuals to have explored the Abyss, and returned to tell of it).


The buildings of Last Light are built from wood and stone and are simple in design, though some have a bit of a ramshackle look to them as a result of both Goblin design influence and the scarcity of building material this close to the Abyss.


The rocky cave where Last Light was built has almost no natural light sources (Glowing Cave Mushrooms, glowing crystals, etc.), leaving the area in near total darkness without artificial light, which serves as the towns namesake.
Location under
Owning Organization


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Aug 11, 2023 12:39 by Lia Felis

I liked the description of the city, I would have liked to have read a little about everyday life, the local power relations and organizations, and the inn.

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.
Aug 12, 2023 03:16

Thanks for giving this a read, and for the pointers on what I could work on in the future, they really help!