Kobold Wedding Ceremony Tradition / Ritual in Taeva | World Anvil
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Kobold Wedding Ceremony

While the traditions surrounding the wedding ceremonies of the Kobolds appear simple towards outside observers, they hold great significance towards their practitioners. Like many other Kobold traditions, weddings among their kind are a highly communal event, with large gatherings of friends and families being a common element. Additionally, due to the involvement of their personal hoards (another facet of Kobold culture), Kobold weddings are a highly personal moment for the participating couple, and serve as a key transitional moment in their lives.


During the ceremony, the couple exchange their respective wedding gifts with each other, an act which must be witnessed by the community Elder and their families. Since these gifts are often the most prized items from the involved Kobolds personal hoards (which are considered to be extensions of their owners personality), this act is largely meant to symbolise the new couple giving each other a piece of themselves as a show of devotion. Once the exchange is completed, the Elder declares the couple wed, and the couple and their families share a large communal feast together.

Components and tools

The most important component of the Kobold wedding ceremony is the wedding gift, which frequently consists of the most prized item in their personal hoard. On a minor note, the ceremony also often calls for a large amount of foodstuff for the communal feast that follows, mostly provided by the families of the couple.


Besides the couple, the most important participant in the ceremony is the community Elder, who oversees the exchanging of the wedding gifts, and blesses the couple. Additionally, it's mandatory that all members of the couples families who can make the trip attend the ceremony, though friends of the couple are free to choose whether or not they wish to attend.
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