Navaros, God of Fate and Prophecy Character in Syndeomai | World Anvil
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Navaros, God of Fate and Prophecy

Navaros, God of Fate and Prophecy, is the fourth-born Nether God and is behind all prophecies, including The Ultimate Prophecy. Navaros emerged from the right calf of Enas, The Destroyer. Navaros was bound into the Blade of Navaros by Urbos, God of the Nether, which subsequently shattered in the final conflict of The Great Aether War.'

Appearance and Personality

Like the other Nether Gods, Navaros seldom made any appearances on the material plane before his defeat. Accounts recovered from The Great Aether War report that Navaros prefered dark gray robes that masked his face. Although it is widely agreed that his skin was extremely pale, none saw his face. Those same reports tell that when Navaros took the form of an animal, it was that of a giant black crow.   Navaros's personality is similarly shrouded in mystery, as there are few accounts of people that interacted with him directly. Some scholars speculate that this paucity information is because Navaros preferred to work with his own children, the Kenku, who can no longer communicate with the common folk.

His Creations

The Kenku

Navaros created the Kenku, a sinister people that serve his interests and hasten his will. Shortly before the end of The Great Aether War, Navaros stole their voices. Many hypotheses exist as to why Navaros would do such a thing. The most popular theory is that Navaros wanted them bound to secrecy, so that they would no longer be able to betray his prophecies.


There is one idea that the holy scholars agree upon: all prophecies arise from the machinations of Navaros himself. Regardless of the source of the prophecy--an ancient tree spirit, a mysterious dream, etc.--Navaros is the source. Furthermore, scholars agree that once a prophecy has been spoken, mortals are unable to prevent their manifestation. Many tragic heroes have perished from the very actions they took against the prophecy.   While there are many myths and historical accounts surrounding prophecies of Navaros, none have received more attention than The Ultimate Prophecy--the last prophecy to be spoken directly by Navaros.

Cults that Worship Navaros

Occasionally, a group of misanthropes will unite underneath the call of Navaros. Many of these cults are born from a prophecy of Navaros, but not all. There are accounts of particularly charismatic leaders convincing others that they have heard a prophecy--a prophecy that often leads to their benefit. However, there is no known organized worship of Navaros.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Grave
Divine Classification
Nether God
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Extremely pale

Character Portrait image: Order of Midnight by Seb McKinnon
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