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Genetic Arcanevorism

Greetings, esteemed readers. It is my great honor that you have chosen to peruse this treatise delving into the phenomenon of Arcanevorism as a mutation affecting humanoid life forms. Initially, it is crucial to acknowledge that the relationship between mutation and the alteration of life forms through exposure to hazardous doses of raw, unrefined magical energy remains poorly documented and understood by contemporary science. My endeavor is to unravel the causes, symptoms, and potential sources of one of the more recognized deviations from the baseline humanoid species.   Arcanevorism is defined by sages as the capacity to internally process magical energy as a substitute for traditional sustenance such as food and water. Numerous species exhibit varying degrees of this ability, either augmenting their diet with magical energy or replacing it entirely. Some have the capability to extract lingering magical essence from their prey or even consume artificial sources of magical energy, such as batteries. For example, dragons consuming magical objects gradually deplete their magical charge through a unique digestive process that strips and processes the magical items' powers over an extended period.   While one could dedicate an entire article to arcanevores, most of these species either evolved over extensive periods to adapt to processing magical energy or were intentionally designed by various "creature crafters" who incorporated this feature as a weapon or tool. What I aspire to explore is the peculiar mutation of Arcanevorism known to manifest among otherwise non-magical humanoid life.

Transmission & Vectors

The transmission and vectors of Arcanevorism present a fascinating realm for exploration, as this arcane mutation manifests with heightened rarity among non-magical humanoids. The likelihood of occurrence is notably elevated within lineages boasting substantial magical potential or those subjected to prolonged exposure to unrefined magical energy.


The etiology of Arcanevorism unfolds as a complex interplay between inherent magical potential within lineages and sustained exposure to unrefined magical energy. This rare mutation, occurring with heightened frequency among non-magical humanoids, is intriguingly linked to genetic predispositions and environmental influences.   In the majority of cases, individuals exhibiting Arcanevorism hail from lineages characterized by potent magical blood. Research suggests a distinct correlation, with a 4% occurrence in such magically charged bloodlines compared to the scant occurrence of less than one-third of one percent within the general population. The manifestation of the mutation, however, remains latent until late adolescence, making it a phenomenon that may go unnoticed for an extended period.   Environmental factors play a crucial role, particularly in cases where individuals are subjected to prolonged exposure to unrefined magical energy. This exposure serves as a catalyst, potentially triggering the dormant genetic traits associated with Arcanevorism. The subtlety of the mutation's onset underscores the intricate nature of its cause, as affected individuals may absorb tiny amounts of residual magical energy without displaying overt signs until later stages.   The convergence of magical lineage and environmental exposure paints a nuanced picture of Arcanevorism's cause. As individuals with magical potential navigate their environments, the interplay between their genetic makeup and exposure to unrefined magical energy sets the stage for the emergence of this arcane mutation. Further research is warranted to delve deeper into the intricacies of these contributing factors and to unveil additional dimensions of this intriguing phenomenon.


Arcanevorism, a condition characterized by the internal processing of magical energy in lieu of traditional sustenance, manifests a spectrum of symptoms that unveil themselves in late adolescence. While the mutation itself remains hidden in the early stages, subtle signs gradually emerge as affected individuals begin to harness their arcane abilities.   The initial symptoms are inconspicuous, with mutants displaying the capacity to absorb minuscule amounts of residual magical energy. This ability, though subtle, may manifest in several ways, such as magical items sparking intermittently in their hands or the gradual fading of spell texts from scrolls and spell books upon contact with these mutant humanoids. It is during this phase that the arcanevore mutants often go unnoticed, as the manifestations are easily overlooked or attributed to other magical phenomena.


The unique nature of Arcanevorism poses a significant challenge in the realm of treatment, as there is currently no known remedy for individuals born with this distinctive trait. The arcanevore mutation, once manifested, appears impervious to conventional therapeutic interventions, rendering traditional medical and magical practices ineffective in reversing or mitigating its effects.   Numerous attempts to explore treatment options, ranging from alchemical concoctions to advanced magical healing, have yielded little success.   It is crucial to note that the elusive nature of this mutation has thwarted even the most skilled practitioners in the magical and medical fields. Standard healing spells, potions, and enchantments prove futile, leaving those with Arcanevorism without a viable path to revert their condition.   The only exception lies in the realm of reality-rewriting magics, an exceedingly rare and potent branch of magical arts. These magics, capable of reshaping the very fabric of reality, offer the sole glimmer of hope for individuals seeking to be relieved of the arcanevore trait. However, the accessibility and ethical considerations surrounding reality-rewriting magics make them an impractical solution for the majority.


The prognosis for individuals affected by Arcanevorism is marked by a complex interplay of magical, social, and physiological factors. As a mutation that emerges in late adolescence, the long-term outlook for those with this condition is shaped by the individual's awareness, adaptation, and the societal context in which they exist.   Physiologically, arcanevore mutants can lead relatively normal lives, able to process regular food and drink while harnessing the ability to augment their nutritional intake through the absorption of ambient magic or the draining of magical energy from spells and arcane devices. However, the progression of the mutation, if left unchecked and untrained, can lead to potentially dangerous levels of magical processing.   The lack of a known treatment exacerbates the challenges associated with Arcanevorism. The inability to reverse or mitigate the effects of the mutation leaves affected individuals reliant on their own understanding and control of their newfound abilities. The absence of standardized guidance or support systems often leaves many mutants unaware of their condition, potentially leading to unintended consequences both for the individual and those around them.   Socially, the prognosis varies significantly based on the cultural and familial context. Families with a history of magical use may identify and integrate arcanevore mutants, either accepting their unique abilities or viewing them as valuable assets in magical endeavors. On the other hand, less accepting communities may ostracize or stigmatize those with Arcanevorism, complicating their integration into society.   The overall prognosis hinges on the individual's ability to adapt and navigate a world that may not fully understand or accept their unique condition. With proper awareness, education, and support, those with Arcanevorism may find ways to harness their abilities responsibly, contributing positively to the magical and societal landscapes. Continued research into this arcane mutation is essential to better understand its nuances and enhance the overall prognosis for individuals born with this rare and enigmatic trait.


the lingering effects and consequences that extend beyond the initial manifestation of the mutation, presents a multifaceted tapestry influenced by both the inherent nature of the condition and the surrounding societal dynamics.   Physiologically, the sustained internal processing of magical energy characteristic of Arcanevorism can lead to long-term ramifications. While individuals with this mutation can adapt and function within the parameters of their unique abilities, the potential dangers associated with unchecked magical processing may manifest over time. Untrained arcanevore mutants risk experiencing heightened sensitivity to magical fluctuations, potential magical imbalances, and, in extreme cases, unintended magical outbursts.   The psychological impact on those with Arcanevorism is profound, influenced by societal attitudes, self-awareness, and the constant negotiation of their unique abilities. The lack of widespread knowledge about this arcane mutation often leads to a sense of isolation, as affected individuals may grapple with their condition in solitude, navigating a world that may not fully comprehend their challenges.

Affected Groups

The impact of Arcanevorism appears to be exclusive to otherwise non-magical or low latent magical species, marking a distinctive pattern in the recorded cases of this arcane mutation. While predominantly observed among humanoid populations, recent evidence has hinted at the potential occurrence of Arcanevorism in mundane animals, expanding the reach of this unique trait beyond the boundaries of sentient beings.   Humanoids, in particular, have been the most commonly recorded group affected by Arcanevorism. The subtlety of the mutation during its early stages, combined with the late onset of symptoms, often results in affected individuals blending seamlessly into their non-mutated counterparts. The prevalence of Arcanevorism among humanoids suggests an inherent vulnerability or susceptibility within this group that facilitates the manifestation of the mutation.   Recent reports have introduced a novel dimension to the affected groups, indicating instances of Arcanevorism in mundane animals. A peculiar account details magic-eating chickens causing consternation for a rural wizard. This observation challenges previous assumptions about the exclusive occurrence of Arcanevorism in sentient beings and raises intriguing questions about the potential pervasiveness of the mutation in the broader natural world.   The implications of Arcanevorism affecting both humanoids and mundane animals hint at a broader biological context for this arcane mutation. Understanding the factors that contribute to its manifestation across different species remains a focal point for ongoing research. As the exploration of magical sciences advances, continued investigations into the affected groups and their shared or distinct characteristics promise to unveil additional layers of complexity surrounding this enigmatic trait.

Hosts & Carriers

Hosts:   Arcanevore mutants serve as the primary hosts of the mutation, representing individuals in whom the arcane trait fully manifests. These hosts demonstrate the ability to internally process magical energy in lieu of traditional sustenance, marking a significant departure from the typical physiological functions of their non-mutated counterparts. Humanoids, particularly those from magically charged bloodlines, are the most common hosts of Arcanevorism. The late onset of symptoms and the subtle nature of the mutation during early stages often result in hosts blending seamlessly into their communities until the manifestation becomes more apparent.   Recent observations of Arcanevorism in mundane animals introduce the possibility of alternative hosts beyond humanoid populations. The implications of animals acting as hosts add a layer of complexity to the understanding of this arcane mutation, raising questions about its prevalence, transmission, and ecological impact within different ecosystems.   Carriers:   In the context of Arcanevorism, carriers are individuals who may possess the genetic predisposition for the mutation but do not exhibit overt symptoms or fully manifest the arcane abilities associated with being a host. Carriers play a crucial role in the transmission dynamics of Arcanevorism, as they may unknowingly pass the genetic trait to their descendants or contribute to the spread of the mutation within populations.   Identifying carriers proves challenging due to the latent nature of the mutation, with symptoms typically emerging in late adolescence. Families with a history of magical bloodlines may unknowingly harbor carriers, further complicating efforts to track the genetic transmission of Arcanevorism. The potential existence of carriers in both humanoid and mundane animal populations adds complexity to the understanding of how this arcane trait moves through different species.


The prevention of Arcanevorism remains an elusive pursuit, as the unique and enigmatic nature of this arcane mutation defies conventional measures. Despite the plethora of superstitions and folklore surrounding the condition, there exists, as of now, no known means of preventing the emergence of Arcanevorism in individuals.


Late adolescence serves as the crucial juncture for the manifestation of Arcanevorism, with individuals from magically charged bloodlines experiencing the subtle onset of the mutation. The delayed emergence of symptoms complicates efforts to assess the true prevalence of this condition, as affected individuals may go unnoticed for an extended period.   The environmental component of Arcanevorism's epidemiology is equally intriguing. Prolonged exposure to unrefined magical energy acts as a potential catalyst, influencing the emergence of the mutation in individuals without an apparent magical lineage. This dynamic interplay of genetic and environmental factors contributes to the complexity of the condition's epidemiological landscape.   Societal responses further shape the distribution of Arcanevorism. Families with a history of magical use may actively identify and integrate arcanevore mutants, either as accepted members or as strategic assets. Conversely, less accepting communities may marginalize or stigmatize those with Arcanevorism, impacting the visibility and reporting of cases within certain populations.   The lack of a known prevention method or treatment adds an additional layer of complexity to the epidemiology of Arcanevorism. The rarity of the mutation, coupled with the nuanced interplay of genetic and environmental factors, underscores the need for ongoing research to unravel the mysteries surrounding the prevalence, distribution, and societal implications of this intriguing arcane condition.


The historical trajectory of Arcanevorism, shrouded in mystery and anecdotal evidence, suggests that this unique mutation may have roots extending far into the annals of time. While concrete documentation is scarce, both antidotal evidence and extended research imply that Arcanevorism is by no means a newly emergent phenomenon, potentially tracing its origins over tens of thousands of years.   The elusive nature of this arcane mutation complicates attempts to pinpoint its inception. Signs of Arcanevorism are hinted at in anecdotal records that stretch back to ancient times, with indications suggesting its potential presence in stone-age cultures. However, the lack of definitive historical records or artifacts makes it impossible to ascertain the precise duration of the mutation's occurrence.   Throughout various historical periods, societies and cultures might have interpreted the manifestations of Arcanevorism through the lens of superstitions, folklore, or mystical beliefs. The subtle nature of the mutation, particularly during its early stages, may have contributed to its blending into the rich tapestry of myth and legend, further obscuring its historical footprint.   The absence of concrete historical documentation poses challenges in constructing a comprehensive narrative of Arcanevorism's journey through time. Yet, the tantalizing hints across diverse cultures and epochs underscore the need for continued research and exploration into the historical context of this arcane mutation. As our understanding of magical sciences and historical methodologies evolves, the veil concealing the ancient history of Arcanevorism may gradually be lifted, unraveling the enigmatic tale of this rare and enduring phenomenon.

Cultural Reception

The cultural reception of Arcanevorism, shaped by superstitions, beliefs, and societal attitudes, is a complex interplay between the extraordinary nature of the mutation and the perceptions of the communities in which affected individuals reside. The diverse reactions and interpretations across cultures contribute to a nuanced understanding of how Arcanevorism is perceived and integrated into the fabric of society.   In societies with a deep-rooted history of magic use, the identification of individuals with Arcanevorism may lead to varied responses. Some communities may view these mutants as esteemed members, recognizing the unique and valuable contribution of their abilities. Others, however, might exploit or isolate them, capitalizing on their arcane prowess for strategic purposes or considering them as anomalies to be kept at a distance.   Conversely, in cultures less attuned to magic or those with a more skeptical view, individuals with Arcanevorism may be subject to suspicion, fear, or ostracization. The lack of understanding surrounding the mutation, coupled with its subtlety during early stages, can contribute to the creation of myths and stereotypes that further isolate affected individuals.   The cultural reception of Arcanevorism is deeply entwined with prevailing beliefs about magic, the supernatural, and the acceptance of diversity. Families with a history of magical practices may have specific rituals or traditions for identifying and integrating arcanevore mutants, while other societies may cultivate narratives that cast these individuals as either heroes or pariahs.   It is within the realm of folklore and storytelling that Arcanevorism finds resonance. Myths and legends may emerge, weaving tales of individuals with the ability to subsist on magic, either as protectors of their communities or as elusive figures feared and misunderstood. These narratives contribute to the cultural tapestry, reflecting both the fascination and apprehension surrounding this arcane mutation.   The ongoing cultural reception of Arcanevorism underscores the importance of fostering awareness, education, and empathy. As societies evolve and magical sciences progress, there is potential for a shift in perceptions, leading to a more inclusive and understanding environment for individuals born with this unique and mysterious trait.
Extremely Rare

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Dec 12, 2023 14:19 by Marc Zipper

Wow it's a really cool mutation and you did it excellent work on detailing out all about it amazing

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Jan 19, 2024 22:04 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

Extremely thorough and well written

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