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Chris Crowe | Member Since 20 Jun, 2022
3 Followers 35528 Page views 70 Likes

Interests & Hobbies

Cooking, mixology, brewing, model building/painting, war hammer 40k, history, mythology, science, nature, gaming

Favorite Movies

Princess Bride, Willow, Conan, Lord of the Rings series, Starwars Series

Favorite TV Series

Avatar the Last Air Bender, Naruto, Dragonball Z, One Peice, Seven Deadly Sins, Fairytale

Favorite Books

The Harry Dresden Series, Lord of the Rings Serries, Sword of Shannanara Series, Discworld series

Favorite Writers

Tolkien, Jim Butcher, Terry Pratchet, Neil Gaimen

Favorite Games

Mario Kart (any version), Baldur gate 1-2, Planescpe the Torment, Earthbound, Final Fantasy six