Superia Homepage | World Anvil


1992 Common Age


The Laws of Superia

A genetical anomaly in Ancient Times created the homo sapiens superia, milenia ago. These individuals, rare as they are, can look like a homo sapiens, or a specific gene can make them green, tailed or four-armed.   Other genes can make this homo superia capable of extraordinary feats, such as breathing fire or flying. The power-related manifestation of these genes is actually rare occurring, but have resulted in scientific experimentation and advancement.


The basis of the Universe in Superia is: Magik (energy), Atoms (matter) and Breath (soul). In fact, the Superia existed as a Void, no energy, matter or soul surrounded by other universes that expelled stray energy, matter and soul in a manner that never unmade the Void. Until, stray Magik, Atoms and Breath interacted, as it never happened before, and reacted creating the Universe.   This is not known, as scientists often believe that matter came first and from it came the rest. Most modern religion believes that first came the soul and ordered it all to exist. And superstitious believe that first came energy, for what is the espontaneous arrival of matter and life on a Void, if not magic?

Principal Geography & Features

The world is a seven continent wonder, more water than land. With mysterious alien metals and materials from ancient celestial impact. There also places with mysterious energy, where alledged rifts among Universes and Planes exist. The homo superia have also provided the land with ample proof of their existance past and present.

Initial Active Setting

The main focus is Carracosta, a metropolis on the nation of Emberly.