Superia Homepage | World Anvil


1992 Common Age


The History of Superia so far

Many civilizations have fallen in Superia, a few are cautionary tales for those that would cross the homo superia, others tales of humanities greed and more than a few are just cases of bad management.   Ruins exist under bustling metropolis on the Middle Lands, but also on the New Lands, first explored in the 15th century. Society of homo superia that fled mixed society are also found across the globe.

Current Species & Cultures

During Ancient Era, some homo superia split from bigotted settlements of homo sapiens and created their own settlements. Deep in the ocean and on unexplored forests, these settlements have grown to rich civilizations.   The Sun-Protected Woods of northwestern Emberly have a few of such civilizations. The deep ocean waters also appear to house at least a couple civilizations.   Above ground, mixed civilizations - often led by the homo sapiens majority - have over dozens of cultures that while singular are very close to one another.