Pale in Stellar Journey | World Anvil
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The inhabitants of the Halven, such as Tarno, and other habitats surrounding Jett are rather pale. This is due to how they live, as their habitats differ from most you find in human space. Instead of a large, hollow cylinder with a large area of land on the internal surface, they are more reminiscent of large, pre-FTL interstellar spaceships. They have long, winding corridors, often with dim or no lighting, with the occasional large room or space. Due to this complexity, many areas tend to be somewhat in disrepair as well.   The reason for this lies in the Flight of the Halven and the Halven being a former interstellar tradeship. When the people who live on it now reached their destination of Jett and started expanding, they built the various habitats, like Koros or Kosmaellon, to be like the ship that saved them.


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