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Sat Sep 30th - Sat Oct 28th

Spooktober 2023

Spook up your world!
This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries to each prompt!
Spooktober is back this year!
This month, we challenge you to answer spooky-themed prompts in any medium you want—worldbuilding, prose, art, music, origami... anything! You are free to interpret and adapt these prompts however you want, the goal is to have fun and expand your world!

The Prompts

Click on a prompt to write your response.
Let the games begin!

Join the Race!

Do you want to get your worldbuilding skills up to scratch? Join the fun!


How to enter

For each prompt, create something in any medium that relates to the prompt in any way (worldbuilding, art, poetry...). Then, insert your creation in a generic article and submit it using the panel on the right side of the article editor.   Answer at least 13 prompts, and you'll get the badge!  


  • Articles must be submitted before the closing time to be eligible (the challenge will close during the World Anvil livestream on October 28th).
  • You may only submit one article per prompt (this does not mean one article per world, in cases where multiple authors work on a single world).
  • For writing-based entries, there is no minimum or maximum wordcount. For other entries, there isn't any limitation either.
  • Submit all of your articles by October 28th, or they will not be counted for the participation badge.
  • As always, World Anvil claims no ownership over your original work.

Other information

  • All your submissions must be generic articles. If you submit non-written content, embed the content into your submission (learn how to use and embed images).
  • You can answer multiple prompts with a single submission, but you will only get the badge if you submit 13 separate articles.
  • If you're not sure if your idea fits a prompt, the answer is probably yes! The goal of the event is to challenge yourself, so go forth and worldbuild anything inspired by these prompts!
For any questions or clarifications about this challenge, message the Community Team (@Community Team) on the World Anvil Discord or post to the World Anvil Facebook Group!