Tapani Individual Rights in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Tapani Individual Rights

What it means legally to be a "person"

Tapani Sector: The Law and You

I'm just going to toss stuff in here until there's enough to make a coherent essay.
- database entry updated Katunda
7 Kelona


Tried as an Adult

Am I an adult? Legally speaking?
I certainly think I am. I have been functioning across the entire Galaxy as an adult since 11 AFE (which converts to 12712 on the local calendar), because the age of majority for humans on Esseles is 17. I was a human of twenty-four and change in standard years of age when we moved into the Tapani Sector and -- this turns out to be important! -- I was not a noble.
Humans (aged at least seventeen standard years) whose families are not part of the Landsraad have been considered adults in Tapani law since at least the Federal Era.
Anyone of any sentient species whose family name starts with that "Vor" syllable is considered to have hit the "age of majority" at 30 standard years.
This means that at 30, a Tapani noble is permitted to:
    • vote
    • participate in sector affairs (this means: "do politics")
    • inherit from their House and their ancestors
    • collect taxes, spend same, and otherwise directly manage the real estate associated with their noble title
    • marry
    • function as their liege's Voice
    • sign legally binding contracts, treaties, or agreements without a guardian's/custodian's countersignature
  • do something with their lives which matters instead of/in addition to military service

So here's a thing: when I was awarded that petty knighthood, did that shift me into a different legal bracket? And therefore revert me to legal childhood? Because by then I still had 4 standard years to go before I passed that 30 marker!


When to get a Order of Solicitors involved:

If one party is a Vor and another party is a non-Vor, and no line of fealty passes between them, and the non-Vor party feels that the legal issue is different than what the Vor presents as true, then hire a Solicitor.
If theft (of property, value, rights as codified in law, personal integrity, or life) is at issue, contact a Judge.
If matters of fealty are involved, this is a matter for someone on the same fealty chain but outranking all involved parties. This is not a matter for the Order of Solicitors.
If one party feels that the law is unjust, that party should pack up and move to a place with different laws. This may involve the proper dissolution of existing oaths of fealty.


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