Shota Kranitsky

Commander, former Exec of Spinward Hope

First campaign appearance: Shards of Honor 18.0 "Dark Clouds Rising II"

VNY's notes:

Commander Kranitsky is the Exec aboard the Spinward Hope. He's a quiet, steady presence in most situations, which balances out the "Full Speed Ahead" life philosophy of Admiral Angelo d'Arcy.
He also has, carefully hidden away most of the time, an absolutely wicked sense of humor.
Last seen negotiating navigational ideas from injured Jangir Toth, who dropped in to warn us about some kind of new SSD thingy which Galactic Empire tyrant Palpatine is personally riding on his way to capture Emperor Gregor Vortapani. Commander Kranitsky says he'll pass us whatever he gets as soon as he can, since we are already en route to Emperor Gregor's vacation spot.
Bossman, if you could help the Commander figure out when exactly it would be unlikely for the Bad Guys to intercept that intel, it would sure be helpful! Thanks. HoloNet updates to BountyPedia and Holopedia Galactica seem to be working all right even if I can't get an email through all this junk.
- database entry updated Katunda
7 Telona
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