Spirit of the age History of the Tescaries Timeline

History of the Tescaries

Independent era

0 477

A time period when Tescarana society was free of direct foreign control.

  • 436 IE

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    Founding of the South-Fahrig Trade Company

    On this day, the South-Fahrig Trade Company was established at the Zurawah stock exchange, with a proposal to raise money to buy and sell Tescarana murex dye and distribute profits to stockholders.

    Additional timelines
  • 442 IE

    442 IE


    The Northern Flight
    Population Migration / Travel

    Four dragons fly over Kraken's Domain from the unknown lands to the south, claiming for themselves four mountaintops admits the realms of folk in the northern continent. These dragons, a great white, red, bronze, and black dragon, all subjugate local peoples under their tyrannical rule.

  • 468 IE

    Establishment of the Bloodsails

    Forming their ex-emirati military and mercenary sailors under one banner, the Condominium establishes the Bloodsails as their private military force.

  • 477 IE

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    477 IE

    13 /3

    The Pits' War
    Military action

    The Condominium attacks the Alfne-Cacni confederation and takes over the sulfur pits of the Cacni hills.

    More reading
    The Pits' War

Condominium Era

477 and beyond

The Condominium Era in the Tescaries is commonly considered to have started when the South-Fahrig Trade Company attacked the Alfne-Cacni Confederation in southern Grand Tescary, marking a heretofore unseen level of Runberi aggression and beginning a process that would turn most of the Tescaries into colonial possessions

  • 477 CE

    7 /3
    477 CE

    13 /3

    The Pits' War
    Military action

    The Condominium attacks the Alfne-Cacni confederation and takes over the sulfur pits of the Cacni hills.

    More reading
    The Pits' War
  • 481 CE

    Founding of the Duchy of Fahrig

    The Kilthians attack clan Herini in northern Grand Tescary and take over their town. Founding the Duchy of Fahrig, they absorb parts of the island as royal land under the administration of the Duke of Fahrig.

  • 496 CE

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    Tinia's Wrath
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Tinia's Wrath is summoned upon Spur Ani, and has raged on since.

    More reading
    Tinia's Wrath
  • 496 CE

    498 CE


    Fahrig War
    Military action

    Fought between Kilth and the United Runberi Emirates, the war was triggered by the Red Sails attacking a clan protected by the Duchy of Fahrig. Though the Kilthian navy was able to win battles against the Red Sails, the intervention of the Runberi emirs ended the war in the Condominium's favor.

  • 512 CE


    End of Tinia's Wrath