Treaty of Moorhan Document in Spirit of the Age | World Anvil

Treaty of Moorhan

The Treaty of Moorhan ended the Exodite conquest of Cymbar. After more than three years of successful Exodite sieges and pitched battles, broken up by retreats forced by supply line failures, Moorhan was captured, and with it, king Clavius Guld. The following negotiations took a week, but eventually Guld and Synnde agreed on the main points. The first and most significant clause was that Clavius Guld would swear fealty to the minister of Fin-Allan, and this fealty persisted with the office, not the individual sitting in it. In effect, Cymbar became a subject of Exodus. However, all territories except for the outpost of Fin-Allan and a territory around it were restored to the Kingdom of Cymbar, its king, and its subjects. The Kingdom of Cymbar agreed to assist Exodus in any military matter in Khely, and to pay tribute to Exodus. Any restrictions on Fin-Allan's trade were also formally lifted, though in practice all of it still flowed to Cymbar.   The treaty secured Fin-Allan's continued existence in Cymbar, and placed the king of Cymbar under the authority of the minister of Fin-Allan. However, it also preserved the structure of the Kingdom of Cymbar, and its king. The practical matter of ruling Cymbar was still left to the king, though the Cymbarites had to accept the growing elven settlement within their kingdom. The treaty was regarded mostly with relief, though there were rumblings of discontent at the idea of Exodite vassalage. Nevertheless, not much changed for a while, though the Exodites would later turn the might of Cymbarite kingdom against other Khelish nations. The Treaty of Moorhan would become a blueprint for relations between Exodus and the Khelish.   The treaty effectively ended with Brynwen's revolt in the 370s. The royal house of Guld was extinguished, and its functions replaced by an Exodite governor appointed by the minister of Fin-Allan. Very similar treaties with other kingdoms are still in effect. The treaty also effectively created Exodus-in-Prime, as the minister of Fin-Allan became, in effect, an emperor under the command of the Exodite Council, with vassals in the Khelish realms.

Historical Details


In the spring of 306, Ginead Synnde marched on Moorhan. Weary of fighting Cymbarite kerns in land of their choosing and unwilling to spend the effort of rooting out the diffuse fighting bands that Clavius Guld had summoned across his kingdom, the minister of Fin-Allan moved for the capital. At the time, much of the western coast was already under Exodite occupation, and only the castle at Cahiron blocked Exodite progress. When Cahiron fell, the road to Moorhan was open.   Clavius Guld meanwhile had marched to his own capital to defend it. However, outmatched in the siege, Guld accepted the elven offer of parley. Both sides wished an end to the war, as the Exodites' continued presence in Cymbar would profit them little if all of their attention was focused on defending their supply lines from forest raiders. Guld, in turn, plainly saw that his kingdom was disintegrating and if this state of affairs continued for much longer he would not have a kingdom to rule, even if the elves retreated in the end. Thus, both sides arrived it at the table with one mutual and one divergent goal. For both, to end the war. For Clavius Guld, to preserve his kingdom and his dynasty. For Ginead Synnde, to preserve Fin-Allan, and to remove the possibility of human whim attempting to drive them out again.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
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Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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