Clavius Guld, King of Cymbar Character in Spirit of the Age | World Anvil

Clavius Guld, King of Cymbar

King Clavius Guld

"Clavius Guld never earned our ire until after he died. It was his deification by the Circle of Cainneach and the subsequent use of his name and likeness as a symbol by the advocates of Cymbarite nationhood that have made his memory a thorn in our sides that we struggle with to this day." Ginead Synnde in his memoir "Minister, Emperor".
    The last free king of Cymbar, and the first human ruler to swear fealty to the Exodite council. Despite this, history has been extremely kind to him. Cymbar was the greatest challenge the Exodite Army faced in Khely, and he was regarded as being effective at defending Cymbarite interests against the elves even as a vassal. The ignoble end of his royal line only raises his esteem by contrast to his descendants.   Today, he is considered by many in Cymbar to have been Cainneach, and his name endures as a symbol of Cymbarite power.
264 335 71 years old
Circumstances of Death
Natural causes
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Artbreeder


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