Hyperion Geographic Location in Spheres of the Gods | World Anvil
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The Saikar Coalition - S.A.C

In the modern era, the Saikar Coalition is widely considered to be the systems governing body. While they don't yet exercise full control over every planet, they act as a kind of liege lord, granting various planets and other astral bodies the authority to govern themselves, so long as they follow the laws and customs of the S.A.C, pay their taxes, and cooperate with government agencies as necessary. The S.A.C claims to hold jurisdiction over all regions of system, with the ability to move freely through, act within, and overrule all regions as they see fit. In practice, however, the S.A.C does not have the logistical ability manage and police the whole system, and each area's situation is different.


The Way of the Weavers

As the official religion of the Coalition, The Way of the Weavers is the primary religion practiced amongst the population. Temples to the Weavers exist in most places around the system, with quantities varying depending on how peripheral the location is to the S.A.C's oversight.


The Dark Gods

While worship of the Dark Gods is officially banned by the Coalition, pockets of their followers exist. The size of these followings, and how public they are varies based on the location. No official temples to any of these deities exist, although hidden temples, shrines, and personal places of worship are not uncommon.


The Greater and Lesser Guilds

All Guilds, companies, and organizations officially recognized by the S.A.C operate with their blessing around the Hyperion system. These organizations operate with the protection and support of the government.


The Myriad

The Myriad is the overarching criminal syndicate in the Hyperion system. While they do have competition in the form of smaller, more niche groups, they have managed to establish themselves as a sort of umbrella guild, and those groups who operate without their approval do so with caution, and often exist in a state of eternal war with the Myriad. While not officially sanctioned by the S.A.C, the government tends to turn a blind eye on their operations, recognizing that they serve a vital role in the economy of the system.


The Hyperion system is a standard solar system with a single K-Class star at its center, whose starlight is similar to that of our solar system, although somewhat cooler in temperature.

Localized Phenomena

A strange area known as the The Eridanus Void has existed in the further reaches of the system longer than anyone can remember. This area of space is completely devoid of light when examined from the exterior, and access is forbidden by the S.A.C for public safety. The region is protected by The Technomancer's Guild.


  • The Hyperion System
    The historic capital system of the ancient Saikar Empire, the Hyperion System now home to a myriad of stranded beings from all across the galaxy, fighting for survival in a resource-depleted world.
Star System
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Worlds of Hyperion

  • Pyra
  • Oria
  • The Stone Curtain
  • The Eye of Chaos
  • The Fey Reach
  • @Valar

Cover image: by ipicgr


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