The Ashen Quorum Organization in Spheres of the Gods | World Anvil
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The Ashen Quorum


A loose affiliation of sultanates, there is no single defined structure. Instead, each Sultanate is headed by an individual Sultan, who holds authority over an area of land on Pyra. When necessary, these Sultans come together in a Hyksosa, to come to an agreement on joint action if necessary.


Depite this, the oldest and strongest of these Sultans, Sultan Al-Mundhir Karim Tawfiq the Starfire Prophet has taken on a position of influence, and is looked to for guidance by many of the other Sultans.

Public Agenda

The Sultanates agendas mostly involve the governance of their own lands. Since regaining autonomy after The Fall of Saikar, their ambitions remain tethered to the growth of personal power and wealth, and their visions do not often look far beyond the atmosphere of Pyra.


In recent years, however, the growing influence and power of The Saikar Coalition - S.A.C has worried the lords of Pyra. It is well known through The Occupied Territories that this unsettled feeling could lead to threatening action, and that the Sultanates and the Courts of The Fey Reach have begun working together.


The Sultanates were the traditional rulers of Pyra centuries ago, before The Saikar Empire conquered Pyra. Very shortly after the Fall, recognizing the weakness of the human outposts and settlements on their world, the Sultanates joined together during an historic Hykosa, and launched a planet-wide, coordinated assault. Calling these attacks a battle would be giving them too much credit. The massacre's were over in hours, and ended with the utter annihilation of humans from Pyra.


The traditional system of governance was reinstated, and after several centuries of silence, contact was reestablished between Pyra and the rest of the system. A tentative trust grew as the planets traded, but that trust is wearing thing as humankind again begins to assert their dominance over the system.

Trade & Transport

A tentative trust has grown between Pyra and the other planets in the system due to a flourishing trade of goods from off-world iin exchange for minerals, raw materials, and other productions of Pyra.

Founding Date
3 AD
Alliance, Military

Currency changes from place to place, but often involves the exchange of souls, slaves, and other goods.

Major Exports
  • Raw minerals and materials
  • Rare and unique spices
  • Slaves and labour
Major Imports
  • Food
  • Technomancies
  • Slaves and labour

Cover image: by ipicgr


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