Afasit Settlement in Spheres of the Gods | World Anvil
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Like much of Yridos, the population demographics in terms of species varies widely, due to the Empire's, and now the Coalition's, practice of bringing in mining labour from wherever they can find it. Most of the people here are between the ages of 12 and 40, with the elderly leaving the harsh life for the somewhat easier living in Zemira. The people here are predominantly working class, specifically labourors, mechanics, and craftspeople. The exception is the small percentage of the population serving as the governing body and police force.


Afasit governed by the The Kashan Caliphate, which in turn answers to the S.A.C. Representing this governing authority on the ground is Mayor Shah'la al Kashan. Of only slightly less power in the city is the distract branch of Blacksteel Industries, managed by Mauris Le Roye. While the Mayor is the official ruling authority here, Mauris owns the town. Upwards of 85% of the population is employed by Blacksteel Industries in their mining operations in the area, the the town is propped up by the money the industry provides.


Relying primarily of their isolation and steep sloping layout, the town's only other notable defense a series of stone monoliths in the sand just beyond the mountain's foot. Nearly 200' in length, the monoliths only show 10 of those feet, intricately carved with depictions of the sand wyrms, self-important looking figures in flowing robes, and scenes idolizing Blacksteel and their mining initiatives.


On the stone where the mountain surges upward, a line of stone bunkers have been arranged, each with large artillery pieces and heavy hand weapons installed. A series of esoteric looking machines, rigged together with wiring, are designed to slam into the ground repeatedly at random intervals, each impact healding a released burst of ley energy, all to confuse, disorient, and repel the wyrms.

Industry & Trade

The sole industry of Afasit is its mining. A few people amongst the town have made a name as smiths and crafters, and some work gets traded or sold to caravans, but Blacksteel discourages too much time spent on these hobbies. They run four mines branching through the mountains in the area.


Afasit is built into the side of Spiremaw Peak, in the Silent Shore mountain range, away from direct contact with the deadly sand wyrms in the dunes below. At at elevation of 300', the roads of Afasit are mostly winding and narrow, with many of the buildings carved from the surface stone of the mountains themselves, but some have been build from sandstone bricks labouriously hauled up here. One major thoroughfare leads up the side of the mountain, built to handle the heavy traffic of trade caravans, which ends in the town's central bazaar.


There is no major, public spaceport here, but a small private one has been carved into the mountain, and is primarily used, and heavily regulated by, the elites of the town.


The heavy work of mining and processing that employs the townsfolk doesn't happen here, because of space complications, making the town a rather pleasant place to be, with a stunning view looking out over the Silent Sea, with a quiet air. The bazaar is the loudest and busiest area, where the commerce that allows the locals to survive happens.


The Bazaar District

Located just above the foot of the mountain for easy access to travelling caravans, the Bazaar district here is small, with only a few shopkeepers selling the necessities for survival and work. A few specialty stores, likely formed around a recognized interest of the locals, have made their rough living here. The vendor's stall are not much more than salvaged carts on the side of the winding path carved from the mountain leading up to the next district. The towns only tavern and Inn, The Dusty Bug takes up the top of the district, its front face carved in the likeness of the great dwarven architecture of old.

The Wyrm's Waste

A pawn shop that serves as a front for the local spice market and Myriad connections. One of a few shops not primarily consisting of a tented street stall, the Wyrm's Waste is a dimly lit shop run by Johnny MacDonald. The back room of the shop, built three levels deep into the mountainside, is filled with labs refining spice, as well as preparing and packaging potion ingredients unique to Yridos.

Hunter's Hall

The butcher shop, market, and guild hall for the Afasit Chapter of The Hunter's Apex, led by Raheema Asmar.


The Galeb Ascent

Perched between the lower and upper districts of the town, the Galeb Ascent is where the people of Afasit reside. Their houses are carved from the rock of the mountain, with stoops and doorsteps jutting out into the switchbacking road that climbs ever further up the peaks. No places of business are obvious here, although there is a small temple to the Weavers that has been erected in a prominent and visible place.

The Dusty Bug

The town's premiere inn, bar, and smithy.

The Nightwatcher's Repose

A temple to Nourne, the Nightwatcher of the Weavers. It has been established to work on the general conversion of the people here.


The Sunfire Spire

Looming over the town, the government district of the town feels like stepping into another world. It dominates an isolated, somewhat horizontal ridge top, edged with artfully crafted stone walkways jutting out over the near vertical drop to the sand hundreds of feet below. Short sandstone watchtowers provide an uninterrupted view of a swathe of the Silent Sea, and a raking look at the edge of the Silent Shore, running into the horizon in both directions. Within this district can be found the Blacksteel Branch Office, the Law Office, and the Mayor's palace, painstakingly constructed by carving chunks of the mountain away and using the material to build sweeping walls with and towers with whose tops look inspired by the dunes themselves. It is also here that the Mayor's private hangar can be found, hidden around the back side of the mountain.

The Spiremaw Palace

The seat of power in the town, and home of Mayor Shah'la al Kashan

Blacksteel Industries Branch Office

Serving as the administrative hub for Blacksteel operations in the area, it is essentially the work office for the majority of the townspeople.

Spiremaw Rally Course

The starting line for the Spiremaw rally is located here, high above the sands, and winding away into the distance.

Guilds and Factions


Afasit was established about 300 years after the Saikar occupied Yridos, as they reached further and further for the resources they needed. The conscripted their dwarven indentured workers to construct it, giving the place an authentically dwarven look, and rugged, long-lasting durability.


After the Fall, it became a ghost town, with its people leaving to find a way to survive now that the mining complex of the empire was absent. It wasn't until 1725 AD that the town was reoccupied by Blacksteel, and workers brought in to re-open the old mines, and begin hunting for new ones.


The town's source of tourism comes but once a year, in the historic Spiremaw Rally. Originally a prideful competition between the daring Duneskiff enthusiasts during the Empire days, it is one of the only community events in Afasit, and is the event that most spend all year waiting for.


Constructed by Dwarven slave labour, the town's archiectur features large, wide front faces to their buildings, with lots of straight lines and 45 degree angles. To maximise space, most buildings feature a small portion on the edge of the mountain face, while the majority of their interior is carved in to the mountain, but in the warm, and homey style of dwarven hearths.


For the security of the town, it is built up on the side of the large mountain, Spiremaw Peak, on the fringe of the Silent Shore. The mountain is rocky and steep, made of primarily brown and grey rock, with many steep cliff edges and ledges.


While it is hot here as it is everywhere in the Scorched Wildlands, the elevation, as well as the location at the edge of the mountains creates an often windy atmosphere that can help take the bite out of the heat.

Natural Resources

The primary resources of the region are iron, copper, and other metal ores. There is also a group of hunters who specialize in the acquisition of the meat of various Silent Sea beasts, selling them here and abroad as a delicacy. They quietly sell the livers to the local Myriad drug producers to output Silent Spice

Founding Date
1976 PD, 1758 AD
Location under
Included Locations
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

People of Afasit

  • Mayor Shah'la al Kashan
  • Raheema Asmar - Hunter's Apex Chapter Master
  • Rundekk - Owner of Dusty Bugs
  • Mauris Le Roye - Blacksteel Branch Manager
  • Johnny MacDonald - The Wyrm's Waste

  • Cover image: by ipicgr