Krisakran Woodfang Item in Spheres | World Anvil
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Krisakran Woodfang

When elves do choose to engage in melee, it is often while wielding a krisakran woodfang. Created through the art of Krisakran, the length of wood may look like a child's toy, but it is as sharp and solid as any dagger of steel. Thorns growing along its edges turns any wound inflicted into a gaping, painful, bleeding mess and the weapon is quite light, allowing the wielding to easily launch into smooth and flowing attack patterns. Like all krisakran, the woodfang can reform itself given the proper materials, which are most commonly found in forests.   As a krisakran weapon, the woodfang can change the length of the blade, from a dagger like blade meant for stealth and elimination to a more shortsword shape for direct combat

Manufacturing process

A druid will take a krisakran seed and coax it into the correct shape


Like all krisakran, the woodfang serves as proof of the elves' harmony with nature
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Subtype / Model
Only commonly found among elves
1-1.5 kilos
45-75 centimetres long
Base Price
240 coins
Raw materials & Components
The krisakran woodfang is composed of plant-materials, mostly a long length of hardened wood.
A connection to primal magic is necessary to craft the krisakran woodfang


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