Krisakran Canopy Cloak Item in Spheres | World Anvil
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Krisakran Canopy Cloak

The krisakran canopy cloak is a common piece of clothing crafted through the art of krisakran. It is designed for comfort and utility, and is used by commoners and military alike. It is warm and insulating, keeping out water and the cold, making it protection against colder weather. Its coloration also aids in camouflage in the forests that elves often dwell in.    The cloak can also last quite a while, as it can reweave itself should it suffer damage, as long as it is in an area with suitable materials, such as a forest. Major damage only takes about a cycle to fix.

Manufacturing process

A druid will take a krisakran seed and coax it into the correct shape


Like all krisakran, the canopy cloak serves as proof of the elves' harmony with nature
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Subtype / Model
Only commonly found among elves
3-5 kilo
Circa 1.2x0.5 meters
Base Price
160 coins
Raw materials & Components
The krisakran canopy cloak is composed of plant-materials, mostly big, soft leaves.
A connection to primal magic is necessary to craft the krisakran canopy cloak


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