Krisakran Deathshot Item in Spheres | World Anvil
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Krisakran Deathshot

The elves skill with the bow is known far and wide. Even back in the day, they were capable of delivering death from across the battlefield with a shot from their longbows. But with the art of krisakran, they managed to refine their skills even further, producing the deathshot.   This bow can organically shift between two configurations, one meant for rapid fire and one for singular, deadly precision, allowing elven archers to adapt on the fly. Rapid fire, naturally, allows the wielder to easily nock and fire arrows in rapid succession, rapidly hitting an enemy or forcing opponents to duck and cover under a hail of projectiles. The singular configuration allows the arrow to be fired with enough force to penetrate steel as if it was butter, going straight htrough most conventional forms of protection.   In either configuration, the bow fires arrows laced with thorns, resulting in painful, bleeding wounds. Shots that hit vital organs are very likely to cause fatal damage.

Manufacturing process

A druid will take a krisakran seed and coax it into the correct shape


Like all krisakran, the deathshot serves as proof of the elves' harmony with nature
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Subtype / Model
Krisakran deathshots are for the most part only found among elves
1-2 kilos
1.5 meters long
Base Price
500 coins
Raw materials & Components
The krisakran deathshot is composed of plant-materials. A tout vine makes up the string and a strong but flexible length of wood serves as the main body.
A connection to primal magic is necessary to craft the krisakran deathshot


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