Krisakran Barkhide Item in Spheres | World Anvil
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Krisakran Barkhide

The krisakran barkhide is an item crafted through the art of krisakran. The seed is shaped into armor, often customized to fit the wearer. The armor offers good protection while still being light and flexible, allowing the wearer to remain nimble and stealthy. The solid sheets of bark that makes up the primary defensive component of the armor are also quite hardy and can handle quite the abuse before breaking.   Even should the armor break, it is still alive and can heal over time, if kept within an forest or other, similar environment containing the elements the amour needs to pull itself together. This process takes about a cycle to complete.

Manufacturing process

A druid will take a krisakran seed and coax it into the correct shape


Like all krisakran, the barkhide serves as proof of the elves' harmony with nature
Item type
Subtype / Model
Only commonly found among elves
10-15 kilo
Circa 0.4x0.25 meters
Base Price
240 coins
Raw materials & Components
The krisakran barkhide is composed of plant-materials, mostly solid sheaths of bark as the name indicates.
A connection to primal magic is necessary to craft the krisakran barkhide


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