Ala's Mountain
Ala's Mountain is named after the goddess, Ala, who lives in the city in the heart of the mountain.
It is a large mountain, surrounded by forests, more mountains, and plains. A few rivers flow from the mountain. A massive ancient fortress, originally called the 'Gate to Heaven', but now called 'Gate's of Hell', was built on the side of it, covering a cave leading to the city called, 'Heart of Ala', but now called 'Heart of Nachtmaeres'. The Fortress is the only way in, and out, of Ala's Mountain.
Stalker hounds run out of the fortress at night and terrorize every living creature in the region.
Sometimes, villagers would feel drawn to the fortress, and wander into the fortress, never to be seen again.
One of the rivers, Father's River, was named after a father, that ran after his little girl who was being "pulled" towards the mountain at night. He and his daughter were dragged into the river by stalker hounds and drowned.
Terrifying roaring can be heard from the Fortress high on the mountain. Earthquakes are often attributed to the Queen of the stalkers. There are myths about what happens to those who wander into the area directly around the mountain. People are always debating about whether the unfortunate people get killed on the spot by stalkers, or if they get taken into the Fortress to be used to breed part-human part-dog monsters, or if they're just used for food. Some have found out the answer via personal experience but never had to chance to tell anybody. Villagers have reported sightings of a half-woman half-dog creature in the nearby forests. The villagers have connected this creature to a myth about one of the gods being challenged by a rival, to breed with the Queen beast.
It is a large mountain, surrounded by forests, more mountains, and plains. A few rivers flow from the mountain. A massive ancient fortress, originally called the 'Gate to Heaven', but now called 'Gate's of Hell', was built on the side of it, covering a cave leading to the city called, 'Heart of Ala', but now called 'Heart of Nachtmaeres'. The Fortress is the only way in, and out, of Ala's Mountain.
Stalker hounds run out of the fortress at night and terrorize every living creature in the region.
Sometimes, villagers would feel drawn to the fortress, and wander into the fortress, never to be seen again.
One of the rivers, Father's River, was named after a father, that ran after his little girl who was being "pulled" towards the mountain at night. He and his daughter were dragged into the river by stalker hounds and drowned.
Terrifying roaring can be heard from the Fortress high on the mountain. Earthquakes are often attributed to the Queen of the stalkers. There are myths about what happens to those who wander into the area directly around the mountain. People are always debating about whether the unfortunate people get killed on the spot by stalkers, or if they get taken into the Fortress to be used to breed part-human part-dog monsters, or if they're just used for food. Some have found out the answer via personal experience but never had to chance to tell anybody. Villagers have reported sightings of a half-woman half-dog creature in the nearby forests. The villagers have connected this creature to a myth about one of the gods being challenged by a rival, to breed with the Queen beast.
Included Locations