Imperial Army Organization in Space Western | World Anvil

Imperial Army

The Imperial Army at its core is the primary policing and occupational force of the Colonial Earth Empire within its own borders., and as a defensive force when long drawn out sieges are necessary. The Imperial Navy handles most offensive measures, utilizing their famous Imperial Shock Trooper Corps , so the Army was relegated to coming in once the Shock Troopers had made a beachhead and needed more occupying forces to cow a local population. In the Core Systems , this mainly means relegated to local army groups working primarily alongside the Colonial Security Bureau and the Office of Imperial Security , forming up the ground muscle needed to carefully remove the threats to the Empire.   The Imperial Army operates under the auspices of the Imperial Senate. It serves under the true control of the Imperial Nobility, with each regiment being directly funded and supplied by the noble houses. However, because of this split it means that the Navy and the Army are somewhat opposed to one another.    In the Mid Rim , where there lies mainly resource extraction operations on planets far from the imperial core, this mainly means the Army controls the whole planet. Or, in many cases, the planet is owned by an Colonial protected Corporation and the Army is providing basic back up to the private corpo security that already exists there, ready to act in the case of outside invaders, or for the occasional larger uprising. The army is primarily used for their Imperial Royal Police forces, who ensure order is maintained within the Imperial Systems.     The overall organization is split by Regiments, which can control various sizes of space at the system level. Each Regiment is controlled by a commandant. The range in power under a singular commandant can range from a handful of worlds, to a whole swath of systems. Each Regiment can vary wildly from one another, with their own traditions, uniforms, and ways of conducting war, however they all must make sure they pay the ultimate tithe to the Lord Commandants, who control groups of Regiments under them.  

Imperial Royal Police

  The Imperial Royal Police are the standard run of the mill police of the Empire that keep the cogs moving. The primary arm of the Imperial Army, the Royal Police make up the majority of "Active" forces within the army. On all different worlds, the Royal Police carry out the daily will of the Empire, at the leisure of their army commanders.   Much how the various regiments can vary wildly from system to system, so too can their royal police forces. They all must maintain a very few loose guidelines, but the local governors and leaders mostly shape their local forces to their own will, and when push comes to shove, most police will have their loyalties tested, should they must choose from their Army commander, or their leadership at the Imperial Court. This can make control cumbersome, and Imperial Police Commanders often find themselves under the lenses of the Colonial Security Bureau or worse, the Office of Imperial Security, should the Empire begin to question their loyalty.   Their equipment, training, organization, and even dedication can vary from system to system. With some having particularly dangerous, well-armed with drones and the latest tech. While others, are bloated underequipped and corrupted by local nobles siphoning off funds and manpower for their own personal projects.  


In many cases, the Imperial Army can operate like a feudal organization of power. Royal Families from powerful worlds maintain control over their local Imperial Army regiments. In the Core Systems these Army Commadants are mostly figure heads, and really the bulk of the Army serves the various security services that might need their assistance. All the while, Imperial Army command pushes back, but only by choosing to support certain security services over the other, and a careful political game of influence is waged in the bureaucracies.     In the further distances, Commandants act like Dukes, controlling whole swaths of planets under their regiment, far from the prying eyes of the central Imperial Authority. These Commandants collude with and make alliance with the various Imperial Admirals that patrol their regions, each looking to benefit off of one another all the while climbing the military ladder. If the Commandants are Dukes and Lords, the Lord Commandants are the Princes, and from their politicking they elect a Lord Commander of the Army, who serves directly at the request of the Emperor and the Imperial Court.
An officer of the Winged Hussars, a regiment loyal to the planet of New Babylon 
Royal Police Peace Officer  
A Fasaryr Rifle  soldier, a regiment loyal to the House of Sand

Articles under Imperial Army


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