
(a.k.a. Lampry)

"The most beautiful thing are the stars in the night sky. If I can shine nearly as bright as them, I'll be satisfied."
Lampry is a firefly Miinu that lives in the miinu settlement near Linabo known as Treasure City. He is a musical performer in the local jazz bar.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lampry is a handsome firefly miinu. He has round body with bright orange skin, black eyes and black hair styled neatly styled with a curl in his bangs. He has a deep orange-red marking that resembles a heart on his chest. He has a hard elytra with a golden edge that covers his softer underwings. Its tail is a segmented abdomen with a bioluminescent properties that glow a neon yellow.  

Appearal & Accessories

  Lampry likes to dress in expensive, extravagant clothes modeled after the humans he sees on stage. His go to outfit is a full suit with golden trim with flared lapels. He also has a gold bowtie tied around a deep orange button down. He keeps the extra sleeved for his suit tied together in the back when he's not using them. Lampry is not satisfied unless his clothes put him at the center of attention all the time.

Special abilities

Lampry has a natural bioluminescent tail that he can control the glow of at will. His magic manifests as light manipulation, allowing to make other parts of his body temporarily glow, or produce objects made out of light that fade over time. These objects can be touched and stood on as if they were physical, but only by him. He uses his magic to make platforms for himself during his performances. He can also use his magic to manipulate the lights on his stage.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lampry was a feral born in a field of thousands of glowing fireflies. But as the summer season ended, their lights died out and him alone in darkness. Being afraid of the dark and having no loving parents to provide him love and warmth, Lamrpy would wander the grasses searching for light. Lampry would eventually be drawn to the bright lights of The Traveling Flea Circus and snuck his way inside. The troop discovered the toddler wandering their tent and decided to watch over him, until they realized there were no family looking for him. They decided to adopt the nymph and train him to be part of their troop. Peaberry, the ring master, would realized that the boy had talent for performing when he would start using his light magic to power their stage lights.   Lampry got used the the idea of traveling across the country and adored learning about new places and people. It was while visiting a small village of Scuttlebug Bayou that he'd meet Cullen, and two would become fast friends. He'd often help the mosquito sneak out to the circus to see the show, and the two had a blast telling jokes and playing together. They'd eventually meet up every summer that Lampry was in town, and as they grew up, would become infatuated with each other. Lampry often discussed wanting to part for the circus to start his own career, and in turn running off with Cullen as a couple.   However, when the day Cullen finally did propose, he insisted they stay in town and start a family. Lampry wasn't ready to settle down yet, especially not in the small traditionalist town that made both of them miserable. With great shame, he rejected Cullen's advances and left town for the last time.   He'd eventually part ways with the circus to start a solo career in Treasure City. It was tough for a while, but with the help of friends he made in town, he'd earn enough money to buy his own jazz bar inside an old phonograph called the Rusty Horn. While his performances loved by the people there, he felt lonely. Though a flirtatious man who had many flings, he was unable to have a serious long term relationship due to being so noncommittal. Even though years would pass, he wouldn't be able to stop thinking about Cullen, and felt guilty for abandoning him.   Nowadays, more people come to the Rusty Horn to get drunk than watch the shows, but this doesn't deter Lampry. Especially when he gets an opportunity to try again with a former lover...


Lampry is a self employed singer and musician, though he most often does gigs at his jazz bar in Bug City, mostly because there's no where else to perform. He's become a bit of a local celebrity in the village. When he's not performing, he's at home writing new music, practicing instruments, and planning choreography. He lives by the motto, "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life."

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Lampry loves beautiful clothes, beautiful scenery, and beautiful people. He's deeply interested in human fashion and music and emulating it however he can. He also loves attention and social interation. He is social butterfly - er- firefly who revels in being adored by his fans and making friends, or friends that are more than friends.   He hates people who he describes has having 'ugly hearts'. People who spoil the fun of others and ruin the environment. He has no time for negativity and debbie-downers trying to ruin his good vibes.  


Lampry is a cheerful, star-struck dandy. He adores being the center of attention and being around people. His presence is always loud and boisterous and he literally lights up any room he walks into. He sees the beauty in everyone and everything and believes that music and fun can cure any sour mood. This idealism can turn into naivete quickly. He's also a hopeless romantic, often flirting with any cute miinu he sees.   He tends to have commitment issues, which results in him not being able to settle down with someone once things start to get serious. Spending so much of his life traveling, he's deeply afraid of the idea slowing down and giving up his own dreams for someone else.  


Family Ties

Lampry has a deep family bound with the members of the Traveling circus, who basically raised him as one of their own. Peaberry and Picasso the clown acted as parents for him, while Singh was more like a wise but grumpy uncle or grandfather, and the Click Twins were like older siblings.


Lamrpy is a bit of a fop. His presence is always loud and attention grabbing. He often speaks in a sophisticated and sensual tone, and he's almost never seen without a smile on his face. Every movement of his body is calculated to be as grand and suave as possible. If sparkles could fly off of him at every move, they would.   He's a very touchy guy and will jump to taking someone's hand or face even on their first meeting. Even when he is scared, his first reaction is to grab the first human/miinu shield and cling behind them. And he'll lean one someone or lay dramatically on their lap if he is in the mood to be a drama queen.


Symon Cantillo


Towards Lampry




Towards Symon Cantillo



Symon met Lampry shortly after entering Bug City, after bringing Cullen to the clinic. Lampry thanks him for going out of his way to save an old friend and invites him to his bar, The Rusty Horn to come see him perform. When he finds out Symon was once human, he quickly becomes invested in hearing everything he knows about human life.

Relationship Reasoning

Lampry finds Symon to be fascinating and can see the potential in the man. He can tell Symon is holding something back and tries his best encourage him to express himself and be more outgoing.



Towards Lampry




Towards Cullen



Before they even realized, Cullen and Lampry met when they were kids. Lampry was wondering the area while his circus was in town and paused at the lake that Cullen lived in as a nymph. They had a breif talk about their lives; how Lampry had been traveling the human world for a while, and how Cullen wanted to see more of the world outside the lake. They hit it off and Lampry nicknamed him Cully, which inspired his chosen name after transitioning.   They wouldn't meet again until years later, and they wouldn't recognize each other in their adult forms. Lampry immediately was interested in Cullen and would flirt with him, but he would not return his advances, as he still had his eye on Arressa.   Later on, when Symon Cantillo and friends tried to help Cullen find a doctor, Lampry was the only one in town to offer assistance, due to Cullen's bad reputation.   When Cullen attempts to gain immortality with the Fossil Stone and turns into a monster, Lampry is the one who distracts them while Symon tries to undo the spell. He eventually talks him down, allowing him to turn back to normal. Lampry insists he'll take care of Cullen.   They two catch up on their childhood exploits while Cullen recovers and end up dating by the time they meet up with Symon again.

Nicknames & Petnames

Lampry refers to Cullen as 'Cully' to this day.

Relationship Reasoning

Cullen was the first friend Lampry ever had growing up, and when they finally met again as adults, he was desperate to rekindle that relationship. He never believed all the nasty rumors about Cullen because he knew a different side of the man and believed he was better than that.   Cullen, despite having many connections, never had anyone he could truly rely on, so seeing someone still care about him after everything he'd done was a shocker for him.  

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both are infatuated with the human world and human life, and both had a desire to go out and experience all of it. They both have a love for night life and dream of success and fame.


Mother Figure

Towards Lampry



Child Figure

Towards Peaberry


Relationship Reasoning

While at first hesitant to have a small child running around the tent, Peaberry quickly grew fond of Lampry and began teaching the boy the ways of performing. She was proud to see him grow up into such a bright young man ready to go solo.   Peaberry became like a mother to Lampry after he was adopted by the circus. She taught him the value of hard work and dedication when it came to honing a talent and performing.


Mother Figure

Towards Lampry



Child Figure

Towards Picasso


Relationship Reasoning

Picasso fell in love with Lampry the moment she saw his cute, dirty covered little face wander into the tent. She was the one to push to adopt the little tyke when it was revealed he had no parents, and she doted on him as if he was her own flesh and blood. She always made sure that growing up Lampry never felt pressured to pursue one thing and to go with the flow wherever his life takes him.   Picasso was another maternal figure in Lampry's childhood. She'd teach him how to be compassionate and enjoy everything life had to offer. She played a little more of a care taker role than Peaberry did, being the one to give him baths and brush his hair and get him dressed.


Bug kin
Current Location
Date of Birth
July 3rd
Year of Birth
1896 CE 33 Years old
Glowfly Fields
Parents (Adopting)
Reddish Orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages



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