Plains Enari Ethnicity in Shireon | World Anvil

Plains Enari

The enari are creatures of the forest, and most of them live within the boundaries of Kael Thalori. The plains enari are not among these forest dwellers, and have made their home in the Northern Grasslands. They're pretty similar to their brethren in the forest, but there are a few differences.

The Differences

Plains enari are seen as more laid back and calm people than their forest brethren. Perhaps this is due to not having any man-hunting predators on the grasslands like the forest cat. While the apex predators of the grasslands, the plains griffins, certainly could hunt humanoids, these large winged predators don't generally do so.

Enari Grasslands Honey

The one thing the plains enari are known for outside the boundaries of Enarion is enari grasslands honey. Due to the specific flora growing in the Northern Grasslands this honey has a distinct flavor that is impossible to recreate anywhere else on Shireon.

In fact, as soon as outsiders experienced the honey, they brought it back home with them. This made it possible for people outside Enarion to experience it, and soon there was a new demand for the honey in the form of foreign traders. The demand rose when the honey became a fad among the nobility in Kupria, Lenthir and Asharia. This new demand eventually made it too expensive for common people to buy the honey outside the Northern Grasslands, which is now the only place where the honey is sold at a normal price.

Foreigners who come here always ask us why we don't expand our production to meet the rising demand from outside our lands. I try to explain it for them, but apparently they don't want to understand that our bees are working as hard as they can, and are already harvesting nectar from all available flowers.

— Plains enari beekeeper
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Cover image: by stokpic


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