Arcane-Efficient Ink

This specialized ink is made with properties which speed arcane or magical tasks.   The original idea was Mage Renstil's, but it was refined by collaboration among several mages, including Mage Ariana Hazelrig. The intended purpose is to hold energy more efficiently when magical writings or runes are made with the ink, allowing for quicker activation and longer-lasting spells.   The ink is very new, first processed only within the past year, and despite its occasional use, it is still in development.

Manufacturing process

The ink is produced by grinding inferior gemstones (those in which the physical structure is true and sufficient, but which lack the aesthetic features to be valuable pieces) into dust. This dust is then blended with more ordinary ink, and this liquid is repeatedly heated to vaporize it and then cooled to condense again. After six or more repetitions, the new ink can be infused with additional energies to be bound until its use in writing.   The distillation process does not require particular magic skill, but must be supervised carefully to prevent the over-heating of the ink, which is easy to do with its added solute and yet which will ruin the material for its intended use.
Item type
Consumable, Magical
Current Location
Ariana carefully inked a rune and blew to dry it. Shifting the paper to a separate worktable, judiciously away from the inkwell, she placed her hand over the figure and began to form a spell. In her mind’s eye, thin strands of color began to wrap together, forming the shape of the rune and knotting into—   Flame burst from the paper and licked at her palm, making her yelp and jerk her hand away. The half-finished magic spiraled away and a shelved bottle shattered. Ariana gasped and recalled the spell, collapsing it upon itself and absorbing the errant energy. It tingled up her arm as she upended a jar of sand over the burning rune.


Author's Notes

Image from, used with permission.

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