Dex Ulrot Character in Shadowfire | World Anvil

Dex Ulrot

Dex is a minor noble of the Ulrot clan of the Deepkin, and diplomat amongst the Protectorates.   He is youngest of Emperess Nolno Vengassi's many grandchildren and has long chafed at the lack of meaningful power he can hope to achieve being so low on the rungs of succession. Mostly ingored by his family, he has come under the influence of the Covenenant of the Shadow Queen and now spies for them wherever he goes. Malazzar Kyzen has promised him influence and rewards if he helps the Covenant oust his own grandmother from power.   He has travelled to the Uferbrech region under the guise of diplomat for the Empress, but is trying to find leverage of any sort that can help the Covenant shake or challenge the alliance that Nolno has with the Protectorates. He sees Ackron as a potential ally, but is concerned over what he sees as his pride and at times foolish arrogance. The long and unsuccessful wars with the goblins of Uferbrech has Dex wonder if an alliance with the clans may be more beneficial.
Character Location
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, with blueish tones
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Midjourney


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