SummerCamp 2023 | Tomie Winners! in Seven Tomes | World Anvil

SummerCamp 2023 | Tomie Winners!

The award ceremony has ended and what a rush! Time to highlight all the lovely tomies who were honored for their submissions (or got lucky in the prize draws)!

Summer Camp Winners:








Congratulations, Winners!

Together, we put 261 new articles into the world! At minimum, that makes 78,300 words — and I know some of you wrote way more than the minimum! I'd be willing to bet we pushed well into the six digits in wordcount! Heck, a 500 word average would already put us over 130,000!
Any act of creation is a victory in my book, but you all blew it out of the water with this event! Couldn't ask for better camping buddies

- Signed, Strixxline
  See more SummerCamp stats and participation over in our SummerCamp 2023 hub article!






Moonlight Bard

Rue Marr

Tomie Prompt Winner!

Grandmaster TheDumbOwl

Alex (TheDumbOwl)
Ahoy hoy! Have a happy day! Check out my world Vertinall!

A veritable institution in the fantasy subgenre of parody and absurdity, Alex is perhaps the funniest worldbuilder I have had the pleasure of reading from.   Turns out others seem to love his world Vertinall just as much! This Dumb Birb won not only one, but two of the 42 community sponsored prompt prizes!
Prompt 16: A material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous location
Prompt 18: A cuisine from a sparse, barren or remote region in your world

Tomie Runner-Ups!

In addition to the amazing wins by Owl, we also had two Tomies win runner-up prizes in other categories:  

Councilor of the Inner Sanctum strixxline

Polina "Line" Arteev

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
The Feral Sovereign sleeps peacefully, but will return...


Grandmaster Moonlight Bard

Haly the Moonlight Bard

Prompt 39: A character who prefers to lurk in the shadows
Line's article takes us into the mind of Kein Lofano, an architect who not only worked on exploring a ruined city district, but even continued that work when he was banned from doing so.
Prompt 17: A character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore
Haly also introduces a character to us: It's the brother of Shiv Moonsong, the extraordinary explorer Satyan Windblown, a veritable jack of all trades, who seemingly has lived more lives than his "immortality" allows.

Prize Draws

In addition to the sponsored prompts, the stream also featured a number of prize draws! During this, a lovely from our midst, ThatMomFriend got lucky and is now the proud winner of a world anvil hat!    

Community Prize Winner


Councilor of the Inner Sanctum strixxline

Polina "Line" Arteev

Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!
The Feral Sovereign sleeps peacefully, but will return...

Every year WorldAnvil highlights the beautiful people, who make these events into the truly special thing they are, who by giving out Prizes for the Most Helpful Person, the Most Improved, the Most Inspiring World and the Human of the Match.   Well, turns out not even such a tight group of winners is safe from the feral tomie madness! Our very own leader, the wonderful Line was deemed most helpful camper! During SC apart from just being crazy active throughout the community, Line helped us all stay motivated both by proxy of being the creator of Camp Feral, but also by hosting Feral Fridays, a stream dedicated to showcasing the lovely work people had made for the prompt of that week!


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