The Celestial Prism Blade, God Shattering Star Item in Seven Seals | World Anvil

The Celestial Prism Blade, God Shattering Star

"...the fabled Rainbow-Diamond blade; God Shattering Star! This weapon is legendary, your father, the Star Javelin, used it to hunt the Kháos Dragons and many a lost Demigod back in his day. But it was said to have been destroyed! Where did you find it?"

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Bloodline Enchantment of Bālphus

"By the ancient decree of the Witch-King Bālphus, this sword shall recognize only those of his lineage. Only the blood of Bālphus flows within the veins of the chosen. Inheritors of the witch-king's power, rise and claim your birthright."
God Shattering Star is a Sword Arm originally composed of the power of Balphus, the Witch-King, in combination with the secrets of his Witchcraft. Technically speaking, it is one of the most profound and advanced pieces of Witch relics ever crafted by a man who was intimately familiar with the craft. Balphus was aware of the power of the weapon and restricted it to only be wielded by his progeny, in an attempt to keep it out of wandering hands. So long as his blood runs in your veins, the weapon will permit you to wield it. Should someone attempt to wield a sword that is not of this lineage, they will be consumed by the Aesoteric Flames, dying.  

The Blade of Resolute Trials

"Let this sword be a judge of the heart, the testament of one's resolve. Only the valiant and unwavering shall grasp its hilt and withstand the trials it bestows. Through hardship, the chosen shall rise, their spirit unyielding in the face of adversity. May the worthy bear witness to their own strength."
The peril lies within the power, drawing the worst while tainting the best. Only those willing to stoop can grasp the bestowed might. More than simply being of the proper lineage, any wielder of this weapon must possess RESOLVE, the trait of being strong in the face of adversity. Balphus had to fight for everything his entire life, even for the right to live, the right to love, and the right to freedom. He would not have this great work fall into soft hands and weak minds. They must be hungry and they must not seek out power. Failure to meet this condition will result in death by Aesoteric Flames.  

The Eternal Pactblade of Shared Might

"In the forge of destiny, this blade binds itself to its wielders, forging an eternal pact. Let it be known that all rightful bearers shall imbue this sword with a fraction of their own power, merging their essence with its steel. Their strength shall become its strength, their essence entwined for eternity."
All previous users of GSS have each imbued the sword with a portion of their own awesome power, allowing it to compound off of each other, allowing the sword to continuously grow stronger while also serving as a passive buff, increasing the power and abilities of its current wielder by a magnitude of 10. The amount of power each previous wielder contributes is not consistent.


Prince Bālphus, The Purple Mage, only son of Frey, King of the Alfnir and Frigg, Queen of the Æsir, when exiled from Vanaheim, he created a Sword Arm composed of his tremendous power. He named it The Sun Which Pierces the Very Heavens of God, or more commonly as God Shattering Star. With this sword in hand, Bālphus slew a World-Eater and founded the Académie de l'Arcane, a college for higher education. Although framed as a school, the Académie de l'Arcane served as a community hub for other Vanir Witches who had also been exiled from their home. God Shattering Star was the college emblem and represented their Headmaster's intelligence and strength.
When Bālphus was wed to Dame Estelle of House Valentine, his legendary weapon was inherited by his daughter, Bālfroy Valentine, a hero who brought great glory and honor to her House and the academy when she served in the Charlemagne Wars, playing a pivotal role in breaking the hold on the Ides Realm leading to Charlemagne's eventual defeat. The next significant mention of the sword finds it in the hands of Sir Bālgrym of House Minor-Valentine, a descendant of Lady Bālfroy (through the Line of Bālyrion). Bālgrym used it in the early years of the Great War in Heaven to slay many celestials. He crossed a line when he used GSS to murder a Skvirelkin by the name of Inej. The Murder of any member of the Therian Clans is a Crime Against the Multiverse, thus earning Bālgrym 900 Life-Long Sentences in the HYPERPRISON. The weapon was taken by the Gilded Court and contained within Yggdrasil itself for a number of years.
After a siege on the Gilded Court, a brief changing of hands, and a prolonged stay as a relic of worship on some unnamed Realm, GSS was purchased from a vendor for 7 ∐ Hosar by a Valkyrie, Hjonhylde, daughter of Audhild, one of Queen Frigg's numerous daughters. Hjonhylde and her Honor Guard spear-headed a joint effort with Xothian Commander KRAKENIUS against the Fire Giant Surtir who had come to bring doom to Asgard. His armies laid waste to Himinbjörg, reducing it to ruins entirely, but the Walls of Asgard were never breached. The light of GSS shone brightly and pierced the very chest of Surtir, laying him to rest deep beneath the dirt.
The Sword would be required from Asgard by the Académie de l'Arcane for serval Small Fortunes and resided within their Aesoteric Vault until Prince Bālkyth El Pwen Reris completed his degree at the college and received the blade as the closest living direct descendant of their Founding Father. Under the command of Prince Bālkyth, GSS gained more infamy as the skilled Knight made a mission out of slaying Khaos Dragons, earning the moniker 'Star-Javelin'.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
Owning Organization
There are a total of three Rainbow Diamond Blades in existence forged by Arcane Lords. God Shattering Star, End of all Worlds, and Gently She Does Weep. However, among the trio, God Shattering Star is the most infamous because of its user Star Javelin Bālkyth and his son Billy the Hero.
9 Lbs.
213 Centimeters (84 Inches)
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
  •  Aesoteric Blade: The blade of GSS is made from pure concentrated Aesoteric Energy + the raw power of its wielders over the ages. This Aesoteric base is what gives the sword its queer rainbow coloring and unique ability to kill any being. Aesoteric energy on its own usually cannot do this, but the Aesoteric power system is based on emotions represented by colors. Spells and Weapons made with multiple colors are more powerful than monochrome. Colors/emotions are informed by life experiences and skills. When Balphus created GSS he did so after ages of wandering and self-reflection, and with each new user of the sword adding their own life experiences and memories, and emotions, the weapon's fatal factor only grows.
  • Sentient-World Tree Timber: The hilt of GSS is made out of timber harvested from YGGDRASIL, the World Tree. It adds significant weight to the sword but this also allows the sword a degree of durability not sought elsewhere, as YGGDRASIL is nigh-invulnerable to all threats, physical or otherwise. This timber was bred with Sentient Steel, a form of living metal that trades durability for recovery. It is capable of repairing itself when damaged if maintained. This combination allows the sword to repair itself in the unlikely event that it should ever be broken or damaged (while GSS is claimed to be unbreakable, it is not. It was notably shattered by the Green Knight when he defeated Billy the Hero, Beholder of the Word Legendary and serval times before. This is another quirk of Balphus's Witchcraft where the blade will weaken itself significantly should its master's resolve falter).
  • Bifröst Crystal: A Bifröst crystal is embedded within the pommel of GSS which allows the sword to cut its own portals to other places in reality.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with
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