Forest of Moonwood Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Forest of Moonwood

Moonwood is the home of the Sindran Green Elves also called "Wood elf", they are widely known to be the most reclusive of the elves, but also the most talented in the matters of bow and arrow.
  The Sindran people descend from the elves who made their way to the Moonwood forest during the War of the Sorcerer King, it is believed that due to the forest's connection with the Spirit Realm that the elves were transported somewhere else. During their tenure in the Spirit Realm, the Sindrans experienced time in a different way, and when the Verdant Veil fell with the arrival of the New Gods, the Sindran elves appear to have lived in the forest for over a thousand years, while in in reality, the rest of the elven people, who were now called Arborean Sun Elves, only four hundred had passed.
  The long stay in the Spirit Realm somewhat evolved the Sindrans in a different way form the other elves that remained on Valenor, giving them an intense relationship with the forest, so the Sindran and Moonwood have a simbiotic relationship. The Sindran care for the forest and the forest feeds and protects the Sindran people.
  When the tragic time of the War of the Sisters come upon the Moonwood, the Sindrans were not caught in the civil war, as they doesn't revere Sela, the Moon, Goddess of the Night or Arva, the Goddess of Sun and Light, but Danu, the Mother of All, Spirit of the Forest.
  When the The Almighty Empire armies invaded the elven lands, the forest of Moonwood was the first land to be invaded, the Phan or Imperial attack engulfed all Sindran defenses down to the central core of Moonwood Forest. When the imperial armies entered the depths of the forest, once again the bond between Moonwood and Sindran protected the elves. The imperial armies were confused and obstructed by fog and trees, the paths seemed to move under the feet of the invaders. Trees and woodland creatures relentlessly attacked the Phan, entire battalions disappeared without a trace.
  After months of hardships the invaders were forced to retreat and give up the conquest. The territory of the Moonwood Forest is now divided into two main zones, on the shores of the Gulf of Swafor. The southern part is under the control of Sindran, House Moonwood, the oldest Sindran house, while the northern part is under the control of Sindran, House Nightleaves, younger and more combative, but with a streak of cruelty that other elves find excessive.
  The incompatibilities between the two houses led to the split, and today they exist as independent territories. Only in the event of external threats were the two houses able to reunite, only to return to their own isolation at the end of the threat.

Society and Culture

  Unlike their cousins, Sindrans are seen as backward and even uncivilized. Unlike other elves, who integrate into society and, for the most part, are well-liked throughout Valenor, Sindrans are highly reserved, have little contact with other peoples, and generally stay within the Moonwood Forest.


Comanda il Concilio dei Druidi
Geopolitical, Great house
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories
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Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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