Sindran, House Nightleaves Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Sindran, House Nightleaves

The Nightleaves House is not a strich house like the other ones in Arborea. It's formed of different group operating out of the Nightleaves Forest and loosely responding to their Queen Savras.

The Nightleaves elves are a brooding, winsome, and often ambitious house of Sindran green elves. Of all of Nightleaves clan, the true Nightleaves Green elves are the most numerous, and press most for the expansion of Nightleaves territory. Each clan of Nightleaves Elf is presided over by their "Matka", a high priestess.

The Daligen

A council of Matka, shamans and rogues called the Daligen acts as a combination of Queen Savras advisory parliament and spy agency and rarely all convene publicly or together at once.

The Athorian

The Athorian are the Nightleaves irregular faction of undead, necromancers, fungus-binders, and other members associated with the restless dead. Although most Nightleaves undead are mindless fungal constructions maintained by necromantic magic, the Athorian do have some more or less intelligent undead among them, plus a few higher-ranked necromancers who speak for the faction. Generally, the Athorian serve as a labor force for the Nightleaves constant program of reclamation and expansion. The current leader of the Athorian is Vanathek, a skilled but conceited human necromancer.

The Street Swarm

The Street Swarm form Nightleaves labor class. This faction includes corpse scavengers, low-ranking street shamans, rot farmers, tunnel trolls, various elementals and fungal horrors. Each city of Arborea tends to have its own chapter of the Street Swarm usually in the seeediest neighborhood, and each chapter is led by a local swarm-boss. Spore Druids specialize in fungi, moss, molds, and other decomposers. Reclaimers are green elf scavengers who patrol the city and gather the dead to be recycled.

The Stalkers

Although many discount them as an urban legend, "the assassins of the Nightleaves" are a cult of mercenaries operating out from the dark woods and specializing in vengeance killings. The cult was led by Dowska before she became the guild leader.The Stalkers, most of them Nightleaves elves, are known for the virulence of their poisons.

The Predecessor

A delicate and sophisticated race of elves known as the Predecessor once was an important faction in Nightleaves lands. They were laid to rest in coffins in Hardris, The Mausoleum of the Predecessor. They all returned as Zombie Attendants. In contrast to the regular fungus-animated zombies of the Athorian, they retain a higher degree of intelligence and agency. They continue to wear their stately attire, despite it's moldering and rot. The leader of the Predecessor is the lich Storhen.


House Nightleaves (Darkwood forest), Might 168, is lead by Queen Savras (Age 330, Power 20) of House Nightleaves, daughter of King Norlorn, whose children are Zhoron (58) and Sabina (22)

Arborea House Nightleaves
Arborea House Nightleaves by Alberto Zanini
Geopolitical, Clan
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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Character flag image: by Alberto Zanini


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