Arborean, House Suntraveller Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Arborean, House Suntraveller

The House Suntraveller it is said to be founded by Asherael, a militant flaming-sword-wielding archangel capable of using flame and light magic who fervently and firmly believed in destroyng the Darkness wherever it was found, even if lives were lost and blood was shed in achieving this.

This House functions as the righteous and zealous constabulary and standing army of the Kingdom of Arborea, these group are called Rangers and Lancers, respectively. The first search and protect the kingdom from all the internal enemy and the infiltration of Darkness. The Rangers act as a "special police" that control all of the kingdom, with no limitation from Houses territory and castles. The Lancers are to protect the Suntraveller castles and territory; professional soldier, powerful mages, Paladins and Angelic being, they are on a pair, and at times they proved superior, with the Great Army of the Phan Empire.

House Suntraveller is known to use many secret fire, light and Angelic spells.

Lancers forces are distributed into garrisons, each of which performs all the functions of patrolling and defending a specific territory. Each garrison, big or small, have at least an Angelic Being or a Warcaster. Thus, if one garrison is attacked or require quick support the angels can share their mind link to their brother or the Warcaster can commune with the angels with their spells.


House Suntraveller, is lead by Count Olene (Age 136, Power 15) of House Suntraveller, son of Count Mourn, whose children are none. The young ruler is guided by Regent Lady Amara (Age 486, Power 29) of House Suntraveller, daughter of Lord Sudryl. Lady Amara has a son (Robere, 345) and a daughter (Saatine, 161)

Justice and Truth

Arborea House Suntraveller
Arborea House Suntraveller by Alberto Zanini
Geopolitical, Great house
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