Arborean, House Brightglade Organization in Scourged Lands of Valenor | World Anvil
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Arborean, House Brightglade

House Brightglade is one of the more recently formed houses, but already has a lot of history behind it. This House originated from the exploits of Commander Jaril Brightglade, who defended the port city of Thenilran with a handful of elven warriors from an attack by the Phan Empire.

In recognition of his heroism this house was created and has since been at the forefront of the battle against imperial invasions.

Count Elion Brightglade is a young and promising elf of only 56 years, grandson of Jaril Brightglade, who inherited the leadership of House Brightglade after the death of his mother Iahalae. Though he is still relatively young, he has proven to be skilled in the art of warfare and military strategy, and has earned the respect of his soldiers and his allies.

Regent Lord Jonik, is an elderly and wise elf, who has served House Brightglade for many years as an adviser and mentor. He fought in many wars and acquired extensive knowledge of the military history of the kingdom. Despite his advanced age, he is still very active and actively participates in military operations.

House Brightglade is made up primarily of elves, but also welcomes other races who prove to be valiant warriors and loyal defenders of the realm. Its warriors are renowned for their skill with the bow and guerrilla tactics, which they often use to counter larger and more powerful enemies.

House Brightglade was founded on the foundation of heroism and loyalty, values that Count Elion and Regent Lord Jonik seek to keep alive in their family. They are both busy defending the kingdom of Arborea and maintaining peace and justice in their territory.

House Brightglade has a strong alliance with House Aeldor, who share the same passion for defending the kingdom of Arborea. They often work together in battle, using their warriors' complementary skills to achieve victory.

Despite his young age, Count Elion has already shown that he has a strong personality and is not easily influenced by others. However, he still has much to learn about politics and alliances, and the Regent Lord Jonik is always ready to offer him sage advice.


House Brightglade, is lead by Count Elion (Age 56, Power 16) of House Brightglade, son of Countess Iahalae (deceased), grandson of Jaril Brightglade, whose children are none. The young ruler is guided by Regent Lord Jonik (Age 357, Power 27) of House Brightglade, son of Lord Tamnaeuth, brother of Iahalae.

Arborea House Brightglade Warmage
Arborea House Brightglade Warmage by Unknown
Geopolitical, Great house
Leader Title
Parent Organization

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