Rank and Title Among the Guardians Tradition / Ritual in Scarterra | World Anvil

Rank and Title Among the Guardians

The Guardians use family based titles for most of their forms of address.   The leader(s) of the whole order is/are called the Grand Elder ruling from one of the Grand Temple. below them are Elders each having jurisdiction over a temple and several chapels. Below them are Revered Mothers and Revered Father who are the heads of single chapel.   The rank and file members are commonly addressed "Brother" or "Sister". A great many Guardians never rise above this rank though a Brother or Sister can wield a lot of informal influence and respect even if they don't have a formal title. Especially if they are widely traveled iterant members not tied to a single chapel or temple.   Apprentices are sometimes addressed as "son" or "daughter" or "my child" but this is informal. Formerly they are called initiates.   While technically warriors, priests, clerks, and craftsmen who serve the Guardians are considered equal in Hallisan's eyes, and Anyone is theoretically eligible to be promoted to the higher ranks the Guardians favoring war heroes and theurgists. As of yet, no one has ascended to the rank of Elder who was not a theurgist.

Articles under Rank and Title Among the Guardians

Cover image: Guardian Icon by me


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