Homunculus Species in Scandagliare | World Anvil


The homunculus is said to be one of the oldest races. How old is unknown but is believed they were engineered by the o'doule or perhaps even the first people themselves. They were created to perform tasks and to increase their efficiency doing it over time through adaptation and rapid evolution. Homunculi have since freed themselves of servitude and integrated themselves into their own societies. Without the shackles of servitude, they are able to roam the world to experience and adapt as they see fit.
They are a relatively accepting race with the ability to adapt and evolve as they have new experiences in life.
While technically a constructed race, being one that was created instead of evolving or being made by a deity, their bodies are entirely biological. Thus giving them a life span, a need for food and water, and emotions.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

You remember when Thobias had green skin and a mohawk after his time with the Orcs? Nice that he's got that part of his life out of his system.
— Gregory, Thobias's father
Born almost completely featureless, Homunculus starts life as something akin to a near-featureless humanoid-shaped golem. the coloration of their eyes, hair color, and other physical traits normally determined by genetics are instead determined by who they perceive in their surroundings. This is known as "Imprinting".
One can tell a homunculus who has experienced much in life simply by looking at all the distinct features that have grown from them over time. When homunculi were originally made, their purpose was to adapt and evolve to tasks and perform them as needed. To that end, from birth, homunculi adapt their bodies physically to tasks and roles. Homunculi who take on smithing will become stout like a dwarf with a good reach. Those who resort to thievery to survive will grow to a shorter height and take one a more forgettable face. Those of nobility will be more distinguished, taller in height, and have other attractive features with a commanding voice. As time passes, these existing traits may also change. A thief who finds themselves lost in the woods for many years will begin to take on a different appearance than they had prior while still latching on to those that still work for them.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unique to the homunculus is the ability to have relations and reproduce with many other species. Half-Fae and Half-Orc are races who could only exist because of this.
Homunculus can also have children with o'doule and dwarves. This can birth either one of the mother's race or one of the father's race. The difference between these o'doule and dwarves is they have the genetic trait of imprinting.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While technically a manufactured species, their anatomy is entirely organic. They must eat, sleep, and drink like any other race.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Perhaps the most distinct feature of the homunculus, outside of its adaptive properties, is that they all have slightly glowing eyes. The color of these eyes once again come down to who raises them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Homunculi will more often than not be given a name traditional to the region they are in or a name that is appropriate for the community they are in. When that is not the case, Homunculus name examples are as followed:
Male Homunculi will be given names such as Arcturus, Daniel, Philip, Samuel, and Gendry
Female Homunculi will be given names such as Victoria, Tegan, Diane, Vesta, and Celeste

Beauty Ideals

As a people, they tend to be more attracted to those with experience and personality as homunculi are capable of showing their experiences physically in unique ways. Individuals who spent a long time with Satyrs may grow small horns and acquire green/brown spots on their skin. They may then spend time as a smith and gain very strong arms. Coming back into a town where these features are uncommon will compel people to approach them These people will ask for their stories and want to get to know them. This is how many homunculi relationships begin.

Relationship Ideals

Homunculi tend to take on a more "responsive" role in relationships. While certainly not always, they often take on a more passive role in terms of ambitions and cultural identity compared to their significant other.

Common Dress Code

Women enjoy a wide arrange of clothing. Those of High birth or those attending a ceremony will wear long flowing dresses, corsets, petticoats with a hoop cage, Dressing down may involve a bodice, Hobble skirts. If outdoor work or adventuring calls for something more flexible a simple blouse with trousers combo may be worn.   Men's formal clothes are often a three-piece attire involving trousers, a button-up shirt, and a coat. Styles and shape may vary though they all have this commonality. Casual wear can be a vest, shirt and trousers combination. Some combination of a hat, coat, and trousers. If outdoor work or hard labor is needed. Men may simply wear a shirt and breeches.


The origins of most races in this world are muddled and filled with contradictions. What is known is that the Homunculus were originally a servant race. Their purpose was to perform and adapt to menial tasks, perform services, and aid their masters. While it is known they had been in the ownership of the O' Doule, some believe that their origins go as far back as the first people.
After hundreds of years of servitude the homunculi, through their innate skill of adapting and evolving, achieved true sapience. This autonomy was perceived as disobedience and thus began the Civil Rebellion. Lasting 5 long years, most Homunculi escaped Grand Haven to found their own cities and kingdoms off of the eastern and western coast of the southern continent of Pardisio. This land, known as "Dour" was named after the legendary Homunculus leader who united the first Homuncui to start the Civil Rebellion.
Today, a homunculus population can be found in most nations. Being able to integrate into any society, Homunculi as individuals seek their own destiny all while becoming one with their environments.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In general, Homunculus could be perceived as the best race to get along with anyone. Their ability to adapt to other cultures and tasks so easily has them revered by many as "good-hearted". Their ability to reproduce and bear children with many of the other races puts them in perhaps the most neutral to positive viewpoint compared to any of the other races.
Those who cling hard to tradition and abhor hedonistic creations may have a hatred for homunculi, however. This being that they were originally a manufactured race, some communities still see them as such. Others find their ability to change and adapt on a will too unpredictable and worry about them turning on their community much as they did to the o'doule many years ago.
Genetic Descendants
80 Years
Average Height
Males: 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet   Females: 4 to 5 feet
Average Weight
Males: 110 to 130 lbs   Females: 103 to 113 lbs
Average Physique
The average physique of the Homunculus is just that; Average. Their claylike flesh and otherwise undefining traits make a Homunculus completely devoid of any noticeable features other than being a bipedal humanoid with five fingers. It is only until they begin imprinting features do they begin acquiring features.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Wife