Half-Orc Species in Scandagliare | World Anvil


Creatures born from a Homunculus and either a sun orc or grey orc are considered "Half-Orc". These are infertile orcs with just as much in common with homunculi as they do orcs. They live almost twice as long as a normal orc and have limited shapeshifting known as "imprinting". Half-orcs instinctually seek community. Half-Orc tend to live a more isolated life than the other races. The Highly competitive nature of orc culture prevents a proper emotional outlet for half-orcs. This can cause some half-orcs to be seen as mentally unstable.
To make up for a sense of isolation, many half-orcs will form bastard communities or join adventuring groups to create some form of companionship.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

"Imprinting" is the trait that comes from their Homunculus heritage. Their general physical appearance and shape come from their orcish parent, the traits that rely on genetics however are imprinted onto them via observing their surroundings and taking what they see as the best features. Unique features can come from this such as fur or horns.

Genetics and Reproduction

Half-orc women do not have periods and half-orc men are completely infertile. Sterility is seen as a disgrace amongst orc tribes and sadly, all half-orcs are just that. Those born into an orc tribe will be referred to as "mules" and enslaving them withing their own clans and households. Often to be sold into slavery at a later date.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Imprinting determines a vast majority of their facial features, though they traditionally are oriented towards their respective orc heritage. What is common among half-orcs are that they will have sharp, chiseled faces. It is possible, for example, for a half-orc to have the ears and tusks sun orc and the metallic hair of an elvirr if the half-orc imprinted that sort of facial structure.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Half-Orcs do not have a particular naming tradition. They may take on a name similar to their orc ancestry, they may do the same with their homunculi ancestry as well. It comes down to who raises them and what environment they are raised in.
Sometimes when a Half-Orc has left the area they were raised, they may take on an entirely new identity. This also will include being inducted into a "Clanless" clan. This is a bastard name that holds comradery amongst those who share it with a bond as great as any clan.
Bastard Names are as followed: Mud (Sausordad), Vonta (Pardisio), Frost (Brill), Snake (Mongrale), Ash (Hal Varti). These names may also include being in the form of a title such as "Mog of the Mud" or "Vorgok of the Frost".
In terms of their first name, they may take on a name that may be more familiar to the region they are traveling to feel a better sense of belonging. This, however, is a generalization. Half-Orcs may not take on a new identity at all until they have found a new home.


The homunculi had become a free people and ventured out into the world to explore and learn of the people who inhabit it. Sometimes a homunculi would find love, or a brothel, or may have a fling in passing. This is how half-orcs came to be. It was unexpected by both parties that an amalgamation of both races could be seen this way. Society often finds the union as improper or an abomination, though many find the extra hands useful. 
The half-orc is often looked down upon by society. More from their orc ancestry than their homunculus side. This has led to them being workhorses, indentured servants, and war slaves for their orc tribes. Those who are brave enough to leave on their own or find others who are willing to travel out will do so in hopes of finding better lives. Sometimes life gets worse and a half-orc further delves into anger and madness.
The history of half-orcs is limited by their inability to create a society and culture of their own. Most half-orcs will try to escape slavery at some point and seek out their own life. This can be in finding or forming a "Bastard Clan", joining a guild, or just finding a caravan or wandering party of adventurers to join. These individuals are perhaps the most successful of their kind as those who travel and experience the world are often inviting and see each other as equals in the grand scheme of things.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most singular race societies will see less of them or simply treat them as slaves and servants. Their greatest relationships are with their own kinds, Half-fae, and Homunculi. Some orcs will honor them as a fellow member of the clan if they can hold their own in the clan. Otherwise, their life and service may have a turn for more unsavory ends. The other races are likely to steer clear of them unless they are looking to use them in some way. Or so that is how many Half-Orcs see the interactions they do have.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Belua Orcus
Brillian, Mongrel, Pardisian, Knopian, Niket, Aridan
50 years
Average Height
Males 5'10" to 7 feet   Females: 5 to 6 feet
Average Weight
Males: around 200 lbs   Females: around 150 lbs
Average Physique
Half-orcs physique and attributes are predominately based on their orcish ancestry. A half-orc of sun orc descent will have a strong upper body and sometimes a hunched back or neck. Based on their tribal heritage, they may also have tusks. Half grey orcs will have downward pointed ears, a more skeletal figure, and two rows of teeth.
Their eyes will always have a singular color that glows from within the cornea, which is a clear identification of their homunculi heritage. This combined with their ability to imprint features creates a unique series of traits most races find very attractive.

Cover image: by Best Girl

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents: