Milinea Organization in Sagrea | World Anvil
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"Order comes at a price, and a realm such as this is in dire need of payment."
  The only unified nation in Ophica that managed to stay together at all. Milinea is infamous among the rest of Sagrea as a strict country that built its foundation on blood and deceit. Founded by a man who managed to visit Ralaneas and return back home in one piece, the nation looks up to the large city state as a role model in justice. As a result, his people grew up on the ideals of fighting to protect the people of Ophica, because the gods sure as hell know the continent needs protecting.   Unfortunately for him, once he died from blood loss after a raccoon bit off his dick (apparently he didn't pay it before the sucking began), his subjects were left to fill his shoes and lead the charge in protecting Ophica from everything that lives in it. Upon gaining power, the new rulers developed completely different views as to how a vision of "order" should be achieved. Rather than attempting to follow in the exact footsteps of Ralaneas, the new government took up a more twisted sense of keeping peace. Milinea began to offer protection to the many city states and villages of Ophica, claiming to have their best interest in mind. However, once it becomes clear that the other party cannot pay for their service, they will leave the helpless settlement at the mercy of any monsters or demons that attempt to raid it, with their method of doing so ranging from inaction to deliberately sabotaging defenses.   Although Milinea has resorted to lies and delusions of heroism to keep its people in line, hardly any citizen sees past the facade. The populace has effectively been brainwashed into believing the country's actions truly is for the greater good. Even when denying a town protection, they do not shed tears for doing so. Rather, they shed tears for the fact the town is unable to repay their efforts, and leaving them for dead is just an unfortunate, yet logical conclusion. Propaganda and other instilled beliefs have lead them to preach the need to help others and fight for your country, but despite this, there are still those not in a fighting force that hypocritically stay out of any direct action. It has become a common insult among those not fond of Milinea to claim that they are willing to do anything for their country as long as it doesn't require actually doing something about it. Of course, this ignores the fact that the Milinean military is extremely powerful, and is still competent enough to survive the hellish lands of Ophica on its own despite it all.   Ignore the sights and sounds of propaganda, but beware the march of a Milinean battalion.


Milinea claims to be a republic, with the citizens voting for representatives to be in power. It's all a lie, of course. Those in power decide who leaves and joins while still creating the illusion that their people have an influence over them all to ensure that they stay in charge for as long as possible.  
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After Stella Brighton and her followers stage a coup with the help of those who have opened their eyes to Milinea's truth, the government has effectively been dismantled. While the former leaders have mostly been arrested, the lack of political replacements and what little experience they have created many hurdles in attempting to successfully reinstall a sense of order into the country. As a result, Milinea is currently in a state of anarchy with conflict split between loyalists of the old government and the rebels until the efforts of Stella and her allies successfully restore peace.

Public Agenda

Milinea's leaders aim to protect the people of Ophica by ridding it of monsters and demons. They attempt to accomplish this by sending squads out to hunt them (their definition, unfortunately, includes the dragon-like Ophicans) and offering their services to various villages and city-states. They will accept their offer, because it would be a damn shame if something were to happen to them otherwise.


Being a nation in Ophica, the country is ridiculously well fortified and armed to the teeth with strong weaponry. The Milinean military in particular is infamous for being extremely powerful, focusing on the notion that even in low quantities, the quality of each individual soldier is match for 100, or even 1,000 more men. Their most elite fighting force, The Steel Battalion, is strong enough to take on an army of monsters themselves even with only a handful of infantrymen. Because of their fame, they are often sent to demonstrate the might of Milinea when large threats or terrorists appear.

Strength in one, peace in unity

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
"The Country of Hypocrites"
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Subsidiary Organizations


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