Skylar Waylan Character in Ruten | World Anvil

Skylar Waylan

Skylar Mendral Wayland (a.k.a. Sky)

Skylar Wayland is a former mercenary and current member of The Red Scars. He served under Willow Claus reluctantly until the Red Scars convinced him to work for them, offering a higher pay and the promise of working towards the protection of Ruten.


Contacts & Relations

Skylar occasionally leaves to Sal-Emen for unknown business, usually lasting between a week and three weeks. It is likely he has some form of contact in the city, though who they may be is entirely unknown.

Family Ties

It is unknown if Skylar has any family.

Religious Views

Skylar is a casual follower of Reorx and Fenrir.

Social Aptitude

Skylar is generally polite and slow to anger in most cases, but has a very high sense of justice and will become extremely violent when around any form of brutality against those who cannot protect themselves well, such as children or the injured.


Skylar has a clear, strong voice and generally speaks with a kind tone.


Skylar Waylan

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Alon Trisdun


Alon Trisdun

Ally (Trivial)

Towards Skylar Waylan



Skylar and Alon do not get along particularly well, but continue to be civil with each other, with Skylar having a general distrust for Alon and Alon disliking Skylar because of this distrust, along with him having worked previously with Willow Claus.

Relationship Reasoning

This relationship formed solely due to working together in the Red Scars.

Wealth & Financial state

Skylar was quite successful as a mercenary prior to working for the Red Scars and has a fair amount of assets kept as insurance in the event that he finds himself out of work. He's also made a fair amount of gold through working for the Red Scars, along with the occasional odd job he'll take from time to time in various cities.
Current Location
Year of Birth
9773 AR 31 Years old
Current Residence
Bright blue
Long, ragged, orange-red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, sand-roughened skin
Aligned Organization


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